Happy new year to everyone! We are kicking off the new year with an update to Power BI Desktop focused on incremental improvements to popular features you are already using, including automatic date hierarchy, data label and axis formatting, and our relative date slicer. The ability to hide pages is another big update that gives you much more flexibility over how users consume your reports.
» 자세히 보기 Today we are excited to announce that the Twitter solution template for brand and campaign management now supports 15 languages for sentiment analysis. There are 4 supported languages – English, French, Spanish and Portuguese as well as 11 preview languages ranging from Dutch to Russian to Turkish.
» 자세히 보기 We’ve had an exciting few days last week during the Microsoft Data Insights Summit! Hopefully you were able to attend in person or watch some of the sessions online. Throughout the conference we announced a number of big features that everyone has been asking for, and hopefully gave you a few great surprises as well. If you missed some of the news or are looking for more details, read on to learn about all of the great features that we announced during the conference and a few other small features we released since our last update as well.
» 자세히 보기 Good news! • ¡Buenas Noticias! • Gute Neuigkeiten! • Хорошая новость! • グッドニュース ! With Power BI, we’re on a mission to make business analytics accessible to everyone. In addition to making it easier than ever before to analyze…
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