Power BI Desteği
Re: Dax on last n days
Measure = calculate(TOPN(, , , [[, , []]…]),table[date]
Re: How to calculate the Outstanding trend provided we have Created vs Resolved data
HI @sarogyaswamy, According to your description, it seems like a common multiple date field analyst requirement. You can take a look at the following blog start date, end date parts if helps: ...
Re: Total y subtotal personalizados
@MikeRu ¿Puede compartir datos de muestra y salida de muestra en formato de tabla? O un pbix de muestra después de eliminar datos confidenciales.
Re: Dax Measure
HI @NishPatel, You can try to use the following measure formula if it suitable for your requirement: VarianceMeasure = VAR currDate = MAX ( DebitTable[Date] ) RETURN IF ( [Cr...
Discuss ways to improve the design and usability of your dashboard
Discuss ways to improve the design and usability of your dashboard
Re: cómo llevar una medida de una tabla a otra tabla
@Greg_Deckler , Puede consultar la fórmula de la medida [MR/365] Gracias.
Agregar columna de duración a la columna startdatetime para dar una fecha de finalización
Hola a todos He probado una serie de sugerencias diferentes en power query usando la columna de duración y la columna sec. Ninguno de los dos parece funcionar. obtuve el...
Re: Graph : Selection with Table
Hi, @Chandrashekar Can you picture the output you expect? Best Regards, Community Support Team _Charlotte
Re: Calculate distinctcount for ID within quarter based on last month range in quarter
Hi, Show the expected result very clearly in a Table format.
Re: Slicer management
@LP280388 @djurecicK2 I am unable to understand how can a seperate Date table help me here? Are you talking about a delinked seperate table which will not get impacted by any value selecti...
Re: ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Datos del tesoro][Presto] (1060) Error de consulta Presto: demasiadas consultas en cola
@amitchandak Gracias por comentar! Problema 🙂 resuelto
Re: ID de Salesforce como enlace
¡Maravilloso! Muy contento de ayudar.
Re: Promedio de asistencias
I created a column for the field day using: Day = format(Date, "dddd") I tried with count(Date[Day]) But it gives me the total amount of rows that I have, so when I divide t...
Re: Create new table applying cartesian logic
@jeronimo2334 Can the results only be pass or fail? Please accept the solution when done and consider giving a thumbs up if posts are helpful. Contact me ...
Hola Quiero calcular un % acumulado mediante una fórmula DAX (consulte **bleep**%) ¿Cómo? COMPRAS de clientes % **bleep**% XX 100 10% 10% YY 20 2% 12% AA 300 30% 42% MES 240 24% 66% FF 340 3...
Re: Differentiated filter in several tables
Then please mark the answer as the solution and give kudos if suitable Please accept the solution when done and consider giving a thumbs up if posts are helpful. ...
Re: Help with Web Query!
Hi @HCC1 , I tried to find a way to change the row display settings in URL itself, but did not manage to do so... Other people tried to use an API: Bringing in api d...
Re: No se puede calcular la suma/recuento - Control deslizante de fecha
La misma tabla, no se utiliza ninguna tabla de calendario
Re: Help with Web Query!
There is no need to screen scrape. They provide a data API Getting Started : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) as well as prepackaged data files QCEW Data Files : U.S....
Re: Amount of refuel in trip Correct calculation
@DimaMD Hello friend! Hope this is what you're looking for
Re: World Population Prospects 2022
Hi, this dashboard is amazing. Can you send me pbix?I'd apperciate it. ozturkharun@outlook.com.tr
Re: Mismos horarios de acceso a la tarjeta en diferentes fechas
HOLA Sturlaws, ¡Auge! Funcionó muy bien. Puede que no tenga palabras para expresar el nivel de agradecimiento a usted por su ayuda; Sin embargo, te estoy agradecido un millón de veces. Estuve atra...
Re: Calcular suma quitando valores duplicados
@Gaspar89 And similarly for [Total expt]: Total expt = VAR relevant_ = { 227, 922, 976, 980 } VAR auxT_ = ADDCOLUMNS ( SUMMARIZE ( FILTER ( Table1, Table1[...