Custom visuals bring great value to your organization. By using tailor-made visuals, enterprises can tell their own story and visualize data in the best way! In some organizations custom visuals are even more important – they might be necessary to convey specific data or insights unique to the organization, they may have special data requirements, or they may highlight private business methods. Such organizations need to develop their own custom visuals, using the Power BI opensource custom visuals framework. Or find a consultancy service offered by one of our partners. Where organizations can get the custom visuals implemented and designed only for their own use. Such organizations want to share those private visuals throughout their organization, and make sure they are properly maintained and delivered to everyone in the organization. Power BI organizational custom visuals let organizations do just that.
» 詳細を読む Starting today, POLITICO Europe is using Power BI as the data visualization technology powering its new Elections hub. Thanks to Power BI, readers can interact with the latest information about the expected results of the upcoming European Parliament elections.
» 詳細を読む Calendar tables are an absolute requirement for time-intelligence calculations in Power BI. In this week’s webinar Power BI MVP Tristan Malherbe will deliver a webinar on how to build a proper calendar table using Power Query and M language.
» 詳細を読む This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI Developers community- Power BI Embedded and Custom Visuals.
» 詳細を読む We are proud to announce at the up coming Power BI World Tour we will be showing many of these features live in demos and break out sessions. If you are not familiar with the Power BI World Tour it is a seven city conference bringing attendees unprecedented access to premium Power BI content designed by your local industry experts and delivered with the Power BI development team.
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