Announcing new deployment pipelines capabilities
Deployment pipelines, Power Bi Premium tool to manage content through its lifecycle, has released many new capabilities, including support paginated reports, sensitivity labels and more.
» 詳細を読むDeployment pipelines, Power Bi Premium tool to manage content through its lifecycle, has released many new capabilities, including support paginated reports, sensitivity labels and more.
» 詳細を読むWe’re excited to share that Power BI paginated reports will be able to connect through the on-premises data gateway to any data source with an ODBC option in Power BI Report Builder as public preview
» 詳細を読むWe are thrilled to announce that the second generation of Power BI Embedded, referred to as Embedded Gen 2, is available for its Azure subscribers to use during the preview period. All of the Power BI Embedded Gen 1 capabilities such as pausing and resuming the capacity, are preserved in Gen 2 and the price per SKU remains the same, however the Gen 2 capacity resource provides substantial improvements in performance, scale and much more.
» 詳細を読むWelcome to our very first update of 2021! We have several exciting updates rolling out this month for paginated reports, including an improved editing and publishing experience in Power BI Report Builder, additional sample reports, Microsoft Dataverse connectivity and much more! Read on to learn more about all of these exciting new developments.
» 詳細を読むWith the availability of virtual machine images for SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in Azure Marketplace, you can now more easily migrate your AS and RS BI solutions from on-premises to Azure! This is a great opportunity to move your multidimensional workloads closer to Power BI to reduce the physical distance between your AS servers and your Power BI reports. For the same reasons, it’s also a good idea to deploy Azure VMs running SSRS in the same region as your SSAS VMs, or to migrate your paginated reports to Power BI so that your reports have the most efficient connectivity to their data models.
» 詳細を読むWe’re happy to introduce new admin settings in Power BI admin portal, which provide you more granular control over export options in Power BI, and extend export settings to control also export from paginated reports.
» 詳細を読むYesterday was filled with announcements of new capabilities of Power BI Premium and even a per user licensing option to gain access to Premium features. This blog post sums those up so you can prepare for a much better experience of owning and using Power BI Premium.
» 詳細を読むWe’re pleased to announce two new actions are available for the Power BI connector in Power Automate. Now, you may easily leverage the Power BI export API for either Power BI reports or paginated reports in your workflows in Power Automate.
» 詳細を読むWe have several exciting updates rolling out this month for paginated reports! The updates include new authentication type support for Azure SQL DB and Azure Synapse, Common Data Service data source support, improved multi-value parameters support for DAX and more!
» 詳細を読むThis blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI embedded analytics and Power BI visuals platform
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