タグ付けされた投稿: power bi

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary

Welcome to the June 2024 update. Here are a few, select highlights of the many we have for Power BI. You can now download large semantic models, Power BI enhanced report format (PBIR), and Subfolder support in Power BI Report Builder.  There is much more to explore, please continue to read on!

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Announcing live connect for Power BI report integration with OneDrive and SharePoint (Preview)

Last May, we announced the integration between Power BI and OneDrive and SharePoint (ODSP) that allows you to view Power BI reports directly in a OneDrive or SharePoint document library. Previously, this capability was limited only to reports with data in import mode. We’re excited to announce that you can now view Power BI reports in ODSP with data live connected to a semantic model in the service!

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