タグ付けされた投稿: publish to web

Heads up: The Publish to web default is changing and it affects who can create public embed codes

In the coming weeks we will roll out a change to our default settings that requires Power BI admins to allow public embedding before end users can create new embed codes using Publish to web. The change will not affect existing embed codes, which will keep working as they have been. Read this blog to learn when the changes are coming and how you can prepare.

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Through Power BI, USAFacts Explores Government Financial Data In Latest Report

Now that tax season is over, are you ready to see how your contributions are helping the government run?  As it did in 2017 and 2018,  USAFacts  published a 10-K Report using Microsoft Power BI to show a comprehensive view of US federal, state and local governments’ revenues and expenditures. The not-for-profit, non-partisan institute—funded by former Microsoft … Continue reading “Through Power BI, USAFacts Explores Government Financial Data In Latest Report”

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Easily embed secure Power BI reports in your internal portals or websites

Power BI already has an easy way to embed Power BI reports into public websites with Publish to web and to secure SharePoint Online pages with the Power BI web part. However, embedding content into internal sites required advanced coding skills. Now, with the new secure Embed option, you can easily integrate your report with … Continue reading “Easily embed secure Power BI reports in your internal portals or websites”

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USAFacts breaks down government financial data with Power BI

On tax day this year USAFacts is relying on Power BI to publish a 10-k report to provide a comprehensive view of the combined US federal, state and local governments’ revenues and expenditures. The data is collected from multiple government sources including the US Treasury Department, the Office of Management and Budget, the US Census Bureau, and the Federal Reserve.

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Power BI publish to web helps nonprofits do more good

It’s been just over a year since we launched Power BI publish to web, and in that time, it’s become an important tool for bloggers, journalists, newspaper columnists, and authors who want to tell stories and share data insights online. But that’s not all! The publish to web feature has been widely adopted by businesses, civic groups, and nonprofit organizations, the latter in ways that might just help make the world a better place. Publish to web has already established itself as a great way to make data journalism even easier, but it also has found plenty of application in the nonprofit sector. These organizations are increasingly looking to leverage their data in cost-effective ways and drive real-time decision making. And nonprofits, perhaps more than other organizations, require easy, impactful ways to demonstrate issues and rally support from their constituents. Learn more about how these organizations are using Power BI.

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