โพสต์ที่แท็ก: Ideas

Power BI Ideas site improvement updates

Our Ideas site has been the main place for you to leave suggestions. the past year we have made improvements to the ideas site to keep the site secure, spam free and allow users to submit ideas through the Ideas portal. Many of you have since shared feedback and suggestions on how we can further improve the ideas site. Today we would like to share the upcoming roadmap and improvements we have planned for the Ideas site to address the feedback that has been raised.

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Power BI Ideas site updates

Since Power BI launched, we have been listening carefully across our different avenues of feedback to what you, our users, need added to the product. Our Ideas site has been the main place for you to leave suggestions. In July 2020 we migrated to a new platform using Dynamics 365 and Power Portals, and we heard from you about issues with the new site. Over the past year, we addressed many of those issues and have recently made a larger update to fix some major problems.

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