With the public preview available for “Multi-Protocol Access” on Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, now AAS can use the Blob API to access files in ADLSg2. Check how to do it!
» Další informace Take our survey to help us continue to improve copy vs. export related scenarios in Power BI.
» Další informace As we head into August, we’ve released two feature updates for Paginated Reports in Power BI, with several more on the way.
» Další informace Last month, Power BI partnered with Hacking STEM and NASA to create an interactive, educational data story to teach students about radiation. Educators loved the idea of bringing Power BI data stories to the classroom, and they are looking for more! So, this month we are launching a “Back to School” Contest to engage and empower students with Power BI! The contest will run from August 1st to September 6th, and the winners will be featured in the Power BI Blog! Channel your love for education and get started today!
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