Podpora Power BI


scieneers GmbH

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From data we gain insights and create value. For our customers, society and ourselves. We offer our expertise for your data project.We are happy to use components of the Microsoft Data Platform. In the Azure Cloud, on-premises or hybrid, we develop data solutions tailored to your requirements, fully integrated into your IT ecosystem. There is a perfect team for every task. The decisive factor is that the skills complement each other optimally. This is the conviction that we staff projects all over Germany. We work distributed but closely networked. Whether in our home office or on site at our customers and at our locations in Karlsruhe, Cologne and Hamburg. We have been using Power BI for a very long time in many of our projects as a front-end for Data Lake or Data Warehouse or even as a stand-alone solution. The continuous further development of the product by the manufacturer and also its embedding in the ecosystem of the Microsoft Data Platform always inspires us anew! We would like to pass this on to our customers, whether in the implementation of attractive dashboards on smart data models or in enabling their employees for data exploration! Our offerings in the area of Power BI in detail: TrainingOur Microsoft Certified Trainers offer Power BI training for business users. Everything is possible, from entry level to data modeling and complex DAX language elements. Direct link to our training offers: https://www.scieneers.de/en/power-bi-training-en/Support of your data projectWe would like to support you holistically to make your Power BI project successful:Planning & Setup (which version of Power BI to use, what needs to be set up in the portal...) about implementation (data extraction, transformation, data modeling and report layout) up to roll-out and operation (deployment, application lifecycle, security concepts, access from external) Whether in project mode or on an hourly basis - we can help quickly and flexibly!Data Science in Power BIPower BI now also offers the possibility to answer advanced analytical questions in the languages Python or R. The integration of pre-calculated AI models, for example to carry out a sentiment analysis of customer statements, is also easily possible via Cognitive Services. We gladly support you in Power BI with our data science expertise!You can read more about the scieneers, what we do and what drives us on our homepage www.scieneers.de We are all together at the beginning of a long road. May we accompany you?

Würth Phoenix Srl

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Our outright and irrevocable aim is to support our customers with a strict orientation towards excellent service performance, our hands-on industry and consulting experience in wholesale distribution, sales automation and service processes.Our highly skilled Business Intelligence team is offering consulting services for Microsoft Power BI enabling you to analyze data, share insights, explore information and quickly create significant reports and dashboards and thus get a 360° view of your business data every day.

datenkultur GmbH

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datenkultur GmbH - Business Intelligence mit Strategie Seit mehr als 15 Jahren liefert die datenkultur GmbH Business Intelligence-Lösungen für mittelständische und große Unternehmen. Als zertifizierter Microsoft Partner für Data Analytics und Application Development bieten wir unseren Kunden die komplette BI-Produktpalette von Microsoft. Das beginnt mit der individuellen Datentransformation, geht über Data Warehousing und intuitiven Power BI-Dashboards bis hin zur künstlichen Intelligenz.   Was bietet die datenkultur GmbH? ·         BI-Potentialanalyse – Erfahren Sie, wo sich BI für Sie wirklich lohnt ·         BI-Konzeption - Wirtschaftsfachleute entwerfen Kennzahlen und Dashboards ·         BI-Realisierung – Professionelle Softwareentwickler realisieren das Konzept ·         BI-Implementation – Infrastruktur-Spezialisten implementieren die Umgebung ·         Digitalisierung – Hinterfragen und Automatisieren bestehender Prozesse ·         Data Warehousing – Vorhandene Unternehmensdaten konsolidieren und bereitstellen ·         Datenkultur – Mitarbeiter vom Steuern nach Kennzahlen begeistern   Wie verläuft ein Projekt mit der datenkultur GmbH? Ein BI-Projekt umfasst weit mehr als die technische Umsetzung. Das Team der datenkultur besteht daher aus hochqualifizierten Wirtschaftsfachleuten, professionellen Projektmanagern und erfahrenen, technischen Mitarbeitern. In unseren Projekten sprechen Ihre Kaufleute mit unseren Kaufleuten auf Augenhöhe miteinander. Unsere Wirtschaftsfachleute nehmen Ihre Anforderung auf, sie empfehlen Best Practises im Controlling und erläutern, was mit professionellem BI erreicht werden kann. Unsere Kaufleute motivieren Ihre Mitarbeiter, die neuen Möglichkeiten anzunehmen und begeistern sie, in Daten zu denken. So können Sie Ihre Daten zukünftig selbständig in kostbare Entscheidungsgrundlagen verwandeln.   Das erarbeitete fachliche Konzept stimmt unser eingespieltes Team intern miteinander ab. Es ist damit sichergestellt, dass der Kundenwunsch und die erstellte Lösung stets perfekt zusammenpassen. Professionelle Projektmanager führen Sie durch Ihr BI-Projekt und halten Sie laufend über den Stand des Projektes informiert.   Geschichte und Erfahrung In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir mehr als einhundert erfolgreiche BI-Projekte mit namenhaften Kunden aus unterschiedlichen Branchen realisiert. Wir haben unsere Leistungen stets auf die verfügbaren Mitarbeiterressourcen der Kunden abgestimmt. Einige Kunden haben wir so lediglich ausgebildet für andere Kunden haben wir komplette Lösungen erstellt. In den meisten Fällen wurde eine ausgewogene Kombination aus beidem umgesetzt.Häufig eingesetzte Technologien Microsoft SQL Server Datenbanken Integration Service (SSIS) Analysis Service (SSAS) Reporting Service (SSRS) Microsoft Power Platform Power BI Power Apps Power Automate Power Virtual Agents Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines SQL Databases Active Directory Jet Global Jet Analytics (Data Warehouse Automation) Jet Reports (Excel Automation)  


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Spécialiste de solutions de Business Intelligence sur Power BI, BIWORKS propose un accompagnement des entreprises pour déployer les indicateurs nécessaires à leur business en faisant augmenter leur productivité et leurs analyses de données.Nous intervenons dans la conception, le développement, la formation et la maintenance des applicatifs Microsoft Power BI.

Indusflow Systems Inc.

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Need help with your business intelligence projects?   Is the lack of internal expertise and know-how delaying your business intelligence projects? Are you concerned with the cost of hiring data professionals? Would you love for your staff to be able to build their own reports and dashboards?   Our team of business and technology professionals will help with all aspects of your project lifecycle quicker and at a cost lower than hiring your own team.   Services Delivered   Analyze - Helping you understand your data. Build - Build dashboards, reports and automation. Train - Build your business intelligence infrastructure and transfer knowledge to your staff. Support - Provide ongoing support to your team on difficult tasks.   Our clients lean on our team to get business intelligence solutions built fast.   In the modern digital landscape, data has become king. To be an effective leader you must be able to leverage the myriad sources of data in your organization to gain powerful insights in business performance, processes and customer behavior. With these insights, you and your team can evolve an agile data-driven company culture that is highly responsive to internal and external dynamics.   Many business leaders are frustrated with their business intelligence strategy and tools. They may lack the mental bandwidth to spend time figuring out what metrics and reporting they need to be tracking. Or they may not have the expertise within their organizations to properly execute on business intelligence. Finally, costs to hire the right staff and purchase the right tools may be cost prohibitive. These obstacles may frustrate your ability to lead your business.   At Indusflow Systems, we work with business leaders who wish to leverage the best that information technology has to offer to build efficient, competitive and agile organizations. With our years of experience in ERP, accounting automation, CRM, e-Commerce and software development, our team has executed countless BI projects for our customers. The tools we use include Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Azure, Sage Intelligence, SQL Server Reporting Services and Microsoft Excel.

Brunner BI GmbH

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Our founders launched kipi.bi to help businesses overcome data gaps and deliver rapid insights at scale. With Snowflake at our core, we believe that good data has the power to enable innovation without limits, helping you say goodbye to complex data solutions and hello to the modern world of cloud elasticity. Over 600 of our consultants are accredited, and we are happy to work with over 100 customers in 7 different countries. In terms of certification, KiPi is ranked first in Snowflake globally. With an average tenure of 23 years in the big data, integration, and technology industries, our team understands the importance of data to drive informed decisions and enhanced perspective on your most critical business processes.kipi.bi helps enterprises use their data to understand and improve their business, accelerate innovation, and make better decisions faster. Whether you need a comprehensive end-to-end solution or are looking to bridge gaps that prevent you from maximizing ROI, kipi.bi partners with customers to modernize and democratize their most valuable asset - data. 

Engenie Group

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Engenie Group nasce nel 2017 come naturale evoluzione di Engenie, fondata nel 1997 dalla passione di un piccolo gruppo di esperti provenienti da realtà italiane e multinazionali. Al ruolo riconosciuto di Engenie nella realizzazione di sistemi complessi, maturato nel ventennio precedente soprattutto in ambito CRM, RDBMS, DWH e Business Intelligence, si affianca ora la volontà di proporre al mercato un servizio di consulting basato sulle elevate capacità manageriali dei suoi professionisti che le garantiscono la possibilità di affrontare sfide di respiro più ampio e strutturato. Mentre Engenie continua ad assicurare una completa padronanza delle diverse evoluzioni tecnologiche e a gestire progetti in tutte le loro fasi con soluzioni chiavi in mano, Engenie Group ed il suo Top Management, costituito da professionisti di lunghissimo corso, assieme ad un preparato team di esperti, fanno dell’executive consulting la propria mission primaria. Lo standing dei propri consulenti consente ad Engenie Group di guidare il cliente nello sviluppo delle proprie strategie pluriennali con una corretta pianificazione degli investimenti e con l’utilizzo di soluzioni PPM. Le successive fasi di execution/operation vengono garantite con l’adozione di riconosciuti standards di gestione e progettazione (PMP, ITIL, AGILE, solo per citarne alcuni), mentre le ottenute certificazioni ISO 27001 e 9001 assicurano la corretta tutela del patrimonio informativo condiviso dal cliente e la qualità della gestione dei processi interni.

novaCapta GmbH

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Die novaCapta Software & Consulting GmbH realisiert seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich Lösungen für den Digital Workplace. Zum Kundenstamm zählen die in Deutschland und der Schweiz bedeutendsten Unternehmen, für die nationale und internationale Projekte umgesetzt werden. 2005 gegründet, beschäftigt das Unternehmen inzwischen mehr als 120 Mitarbeiter an den Standorten Köln, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Augsburg, München, Zürich und Sursee. Auf Basis von Microsoft SharePoint, Office365, Azure, BizTalk, PowerApps, und PowerBI realisiert novaCapta Intranets, Kollaborationsportale, Business Intelligence-Lösungen, Individualanwendungen und vieles mehr. Die Dienstleistungspalette geht bei der novaCapta über den üblichen IT-Lifecycle hinaus: In den Projekten fließen kompetente Beratung, Kreativität und Technik zusammen. Die novaCapta setzt Lösungen um, die eine enge Vernetzung von Mitarbeitern, Partnern, Kunden und Märkten möglich machen. Ihre Kompetenz für Cloud-Strategien beweist novaCapta als Microsoft Silber-Partner für Cloud Productivity. Darüber hinaus ist sie Microsoft-Gold-Partner für verschiedene Disziplinen sowie einer von sechs offiziellen Premium Partnern der Microsoft Consulting Services.

BlueShift Brasil

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As implementações em nuvem permitem que as empresas atuem de forma orientada a dados (Data Driven), o que permite que as decisões de negócios sejam assertivas, embasadas pela geração de valor a partir das análises destes dados. Atualmente, trabalhamos no modelo Data In Motion, no qual os dados passam por diferentes estruturas especializadas dentro da BlueShift com o intuito de agitilizar e otimizar a tomada de decisão gerencial para nossos clientes. Oferecemos mais do que a modernização de infraestrutura, estamos centrados em viabilizar e sustentar o processo de transformação das empresas por meio de soluções em projetos de Big Data & Analytics, Internet das Coisas (IoT), Machine Learning e Inteligência Artificial que utilizam ambientes de Cloud ou On Premise.O sucesso da BlueShift é resultado da expertise de mercado construído durante estes anos de atuação na execução de mais de 70 projetos. O quadro de colaboradores conta com profissionais com conhecimento prático e certificações, oriundos de empresas nacionais e multinacionais, com vivência em tecnologia, consultoria empresarial, serviços, indústria e varejo, garantindo sempre a máxima eficácia nos projetos alinhados às necessidades dos clientes. A metodologia criada pela BlueShift transforma empresas em organizações de alta performance, através da implementação de tecnologias avançadas suportada por parceiros como Microsoft.Além do nível de certificação Gold, por sermos um parceiro estratégico para a Microsoft, somos classificados como parceiro gerenciado. Isto significa que todos os nossos projetos são acompanhados pela Microsoft para entregar os resultados planejados.

Avifauna Technology Limited

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Avifauna can deliver a powerhouse business analytics service – with a stand-alone or combination of on-premise or cloud-based systems.  Businesses today face IT challenges that are dominantly due to rapid tech advancement and innovation. We combine the possibilities of advanced technology with our skills to come up with innovative, high-quality and timely deliverables.Our global workforce designs and delivers secure, scalable, and people-centered solutions for futuristic infrastructure. We have extensive training and experience in IT consulting and relevant solutions. Our team is now adept at leading projects and seeing them to fruition. Our Vision is to engage competent engineers in designing and delivering custom-made solutions that will comply with the highest standards in the industry.Power BI skills Understand client's data and systemsMap out end-to-end data processes and data flowsDevelop wireframes, proof-of-concepts or specifications of dashboardsDevelop dashboards Power BI to support data-driven decision makingExtract and integrate large datasets from multiple sourcesSetup and maintain automated reporting processesProvide technical expertise in delivering business requirementsExpertise Azure ADF, SSIS, SSRS, SSASActing as the SME for Power BI

集英信誠股份有限公司 MentorTrust Taiwan Co.

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集英信誠擅長 BI 生命週期中的各種技術與平台,包含:ETL (SSIS) - 可透過集中組態設計,保留 ETL 擴增彈性資料倉儲/超市 (DW/DM) - 資料庫數十年經驗,確保效能與架構最佳化資料模型 (SSAS) - 利用資料分析語言與表格式模型進行動態分析並確保安全分析呈現 (SSRS/PBIRS/PBI Services) - 兼具設計感、安全與效能的互動報表應用整合平台 (Power Platform) - 流程自動化、應用程式整合無論是專案開發、顧問諮詢、教育訓練、效能調校、報表健檢或是各類客製需求,都能基於資料生命週期之完整考量,提供專業服務。集英信誠服務的客群廣泛,在多種產業都有 BI 相關經驗,包含:製造科技 - CORNING、CHIMEI、TSMC...金融保險 - TSB、TCB、NANSHAN...醫療保健 - NTUH、OEP group...銷售流通 - COSMED、WRIGLEY...教育 - NCTU、FJCU、MCU...政府 - DGPA、AFA...電信 - FET、APTG、CHUNGHWA TELECOME... ...我們協助企業從資料整合開始,打造巨量儲存之資料倉儲,使用 Power BI 來形塑資料、建立商業模型並設計互動式報表,搭配 Power BI 共享平台與 APP,隨時隨地掌握關鍵資訊。集英信誠 Power BI 作品集:https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNTRjYTQwOGYtNDc4Zi00MjY3LWI4YWMtYzliZmJlNzFiOWI2IiwidCI6IjFlNGMwZjZhLWU2Y2QtNDIzZS1hYmYyLThhNTlmOWRlMjJkOCIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D&pageName=ReportSectionc960672c02de17fbfacc

Reshape Analytics

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Reshape Analytics have competences on data analysis, construction of data-driven business management, we implement machine learning in decision-making processes and use simulation modeling for strategic scenario planning. We have strong expertise developing data-driven solutions in: - Supply chain management - Strategic planning - Marketing and Communications - Assortment and promotions management - Banking analytics and loyalty programsWe work with MS Power Platform, MS Azure, MS Power BI and etc. Our solution consists of data preparation, analytics and forecasting with MS Azure, visualization with Power BI


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Sopra-Steria - a complete partner in Data & AnalyticsOur passion lies in getting society, companies, organizations and people to succeed in both extracting and creating value through data and analysis.The world around us is changing at an ever faster pace. Digitization and new technology are affecting your business more and more every day. Major questions about sustainability, demographics and economics run as a common thread through all decisions and choices. The question is how to navigate the new situation and challenges? Data EngineeringData Engineering is primarily about structuring and making data available by developing quality-assured data and analysis platforms and visualizing relevant information via BI tools to the right individuals. It creates the right conditions for data- and analysis-driven decisions. Advanced AnalyticsAt Advanced Analytics, we help our customers become even more analytically driven through advanced analytics solutions. A complementary ability to "classic BI", where predictive models are developed, implemented and optimized.  Data StrategyWe help our customers take a holistic approach to the future, but ensure value in the near future. We develop and implement strategies where data and analysis are central. To succeed in realizing sustainable value, a flexible sustainable plan, data and analytical skills, technology are required, and that the changes that the technical solutions entail are handled in parallel in the business. Power BI Knowledge and ExpertiseSopra-Steria in Sweden is a Gold Certified partner in Data Analytics and Data Platform - (We have 16 gold competences in total)The Data Analytics team in Sweden consist of about 50 people - About 10 people have the role based certifications DA-100 and DP-900. We are today helping about 40-50 different Swedish customers and organizations with solutions around Power BI, data, AI, analytics and strategy. We are offering a packed solution - our way to implement PowerBi reports for Dynamics Business Central - a consulting service which soon will be posted Commerce Marketplace.  


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EIGOCORP como Socio de Negocios de Microsoft de nivel Gold, tiene un fuerte dominio en plataformas como Dynamics 365, Office 365 y Azure, siendo sin duda, la Power Platform la mayor de sus fortalezas. Somos especialistas en Inteligencia Empresarial (Business Intelligence) basada en Power BI, estamos capacitados para apoyar en el diseño e implementación de proyectos, la formación y el soporte. Colaboramos con nuestros clientes a lo largo de todas las etapas de desarrollo de su solución BI desde la ingesta de sus datos hasta el diseño de cuadros de mando que sirvan de base a la toma de decisiones fundamentadas. Adicionalmente ampliamos y llevamos al siguiente nivel sus desarrollos BI ya implantados. Nuestros consultores expertos, certificados por Microsoft, aportarán valor a su negocio apoyándole en una toma de decisiones eficiente, con excelente rendimiento y calidad gracias a la utilización de herramientas como Power BI incluidas en la Power Plataform., sacando el máximo provecho de sus datos para analizar y compartir los conocimientos con la organización, sin dejar de lado la precisión y seguridad de los mismos. Contáctenos para una asesoría o demostración gratis sobre el potencial de Microsoft Power Platform. 

Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited 安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司

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At EY, we’re dedicated to helping our clients, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies - and the work we do with them is as varied as they are.At EY, our purpose is Building a better working world. The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.What does it take to succeed in the Transformative Age? The nature of work is evolving fast, new generations are now dominating the workforce and we’re all being asked to adopt new behaviors - to be more innovative, more agile, more collaborative, more everything.Business is anything but usual. And navigating the Transformative Age demands we ask better questions at each point in time, from strategy to execution.Could you execute your strategy better by seeing digital from every angle?How can AI enhance human potential?Do you change your people or change the way your people work?Does cybersecurity only become a priority once you’ve been attacked? We believe better questions come from better connections. This means embracing a diversity of ideas and a rich mix of talents, backgrounds and experience. These combined perspectives will give you new insights, help you realize your organization’s purpose and equip you to operate in an entirely new way.


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CPS have a designated consultancy practice all around Power BI and the wider Power Platform. We have worked with a number of clients on specific Power BI projects. This practice includes a certified team of consultants who have diverse experience with a varied customer base across both the public and commercial sectors, a repository of specific applications, on-going maintenance and a quick start engagement model.At CPS, our consultants support our customers every step of the way, whether they are evaluating their organisational needs, looking for packaged industry solutions, or just want some help to get started with Power BI. 


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Intelogy is a UK Microsoft Gold Partner with expertise in Microsoft 365, Azure and Power Platform. We migrate organisations to the cloud helping them improve productivity with solutions for more effective information management, collaboration, and business critical applications. Our client portfolio of over 20 years spans a wide range of industries including FTSE 100 companies, high performance firms and SMEs in verticals such as Energy, Healthcare, Law, Finance, Manufacturing and Retail and we are available on the UK Government G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes & Specialists frameworks. We are at the forefront of Power Platform in the UK with a track-record for creating innovative low-code applications in Power Apps, advanced business processes in Power Automate and analytics dashboards in Power BI. Our team of experts deliver trusted SharePoint, Teams, Power Platform and Azure solutions that are loved by our clients, as well as guide organisations to implement strategies to adopt and govern Microsoft Power Platform and nurture citizen development. Find out more at https://www.intelogy.co.uk/technology/powerplatform/ or call us directly.

Neal Analytics

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Neal Analytics is a cloud, data, and AI Microsoft Gold Consulting Partner. Since 2011, Neal has supported companies with their data-driven transformation initiatives from data strategy to solution design, architecture, development, operationalization, and support.  Our expertise spans migration and modernization, data science, Power Platform tools like Power BI, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Internet of Things, edge computing, application development, and robotic process automation. We work with organizations in any industry to understand their business challenges and assist them in their digital transformation journey, including their needs for data visualizations, identifying manual workflows that can be automated, and developing new business applications to drive success. Our team of Power Platform experts can help accelerate the construction of Power BI dashboards, development of applications, and implementation of robotic process automation, leading to a rapid time to value for new solutions.  Neal approaches digital transformation projects through a proven three-step method: strategy, design, and implementation.   Leveraging our management consulting roots, we also help companies define effective business strategies and goals. Through design thinking, we translate these into value-driven, technical implementation plans. Neal offers flexible engagement models using proven frameworks and patterns to drive your initiative from concept to solid business value with a focus on Agile and pragmatic consulting practices. 

Interlink Cloud Advisors

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With so many possibilities around the Cloud, it can be difficult to comprehend how Cloud-based solutions can fit into your business. Or if you are already reaping the benefits of the Cloud, you may need help understanding how to best utilize your licensing and manage your cloud environment. Interlink Cloud Advisors is here to help with all of this and more. Interlink partners closely with Microsoft to ensure each client has successful implementations that provide measurable, strategic value. By focusing on what is important – our clients and their business needs - we have developed a proven implementation track record in delivering world-class solutions both on-premise and in the cloud. Microsoft's Power BI is an interactive business analytics tool that provides rich visualizations and self-service business intelligence capability. It allows any user to build powerful reports and dashboards to provide valuable insights into their data. Interlink combines our expertise in SQL Data Warehousing and Power BI to help our customers leverage their data, reporting, and KPI creation. Our understanding of data and the relationship to Power BI is instrumental in helping our clients develop consumable data to gain an advantage in their market segment. Interlink can help your organization by optimizing your report performance, building customized reports and dashboards, and creating customized solutions using DAX or Power Query Languages. There is a reason our clients turn to us for guidance and support - We are consistently in the top 1% of Microsoft partners worldwide for the usage of Microsoft funding to assist with pilots, workshops, and deployments. Interlink has been recognized as an eight Gold competency Microsoft Partner, ranked on the 2019 Inc. 5000 List and has been recognized for two years in a row as a Cincinnati Business Courier Best Places to Work.Contact us today! 

PricewaterhouseCoopers Polska

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PwC is a Gold Partner of Microsoft.Over 100 specialist in Microsoft Team including Business Consultants and Analysts,.Net Developers, MS Dynamics Developers, SharePoint Developers and Consultants and Architects. Our Team has MCP, MCTS, MCDS and MSCA Certification.We support business in :-        Data driven Digital Transformation-        Data analytics and reporting solutions (SSRS, SSAS, PowerBI)-        Visualization (reports and dashboards) design-        Data Warehouse design and implementation (including Azure Cloud)-        Azure Cloud Architecture design and implementation-        Mobile applications design and implementation.-      Process re-engineering -        UX/UI design Our unique value is an extensive processes and industries knowledge. PwC know-how is used in defining KPIs and shaping business side of analytic solutions. We offer a number of predefined dashboards and reports for several industries including retail/wholesale.

HiQ Solutions SRL

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Seven Seas Computers LLC

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Seven Seas delivers technology solutions and services in business software, data networking, business continuity and data center, enterprise and high availability, voice solutions, information security, intelligent building management systems (IBMS), smart homes, value added IT services, corporate procurement and consulting. Seven Seas is a Premier ISO 9001:2008 certified end-to-end ICT solutions provider since 1983.