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plus-IT GmbH

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Die plus-IT ist bereits seit 18 Jahren der Spezialist in Sachen Business Intelligence Software und Services. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung gehören wir zu den Pionieren der Branche und profitieren von einem enormen Erfahrungsschatz in Sachen ganzheitliche Datenanalyse. Unsere Mission ist es, Unternehmen zu befähigen, auf Basis vorhandener Daten qualifizierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, um ihren Erfolg langfristig zu optimieren. Dabei stehen die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden und die Lösung ihrer unternehmerischen Herausforderung für uns stets im Fokus.   In einer Zeit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung und Informationsflut wird es immer schwieriger, einen ganzheitlichen Überblick aller Unternehmensdaten zu erhalten. Dabei ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, die Masse an Daten zusammen zu führen und gezielt auszuwerten, um Chancen und Risiken für das Unternehmen zu identifizieren. Um die verschiedenen Systeme und Prozesse vergleichbar zu machen, bedarf es oft aufwändiger, manueller Auswertungen, die nicht nur sehr zeit- und ressourcenintensiv, sondern auch fehleranfällig sind. Oftmals sind die Analysen aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Berechnungsweisen von Kennzahlen nicht verlässlich. Für weiterführende Fragestellungen oder individuelle Detail-Analysen bedarf es erneut Zeit, was eine schnelle Antwort und dynamische Reaktion fast unmöglich macht. Die plus-IT bietet hierfür maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, bei denen alle Daten aus verschiedenen Systemen angebunden und einheitlich aufbereitet werden. So haben Sie jederzeit alle wichtigen Kennzahlen im Blick und können beliebig tief in Details einsteigen – auf Knopfdruck und in Echtzeit. Dafür setzen wir seit langer Zeit auf die Werkzeuge von Microsoft und unterstützen Kunden in der Umsetzung von BI Projekten basierend auf dem SQL Server, Azure und in der Datenanalyse mit Microsoft Power BI. Neben ganz individuellen Produkten bieten wir auch standardisierte Dashboard-Lösungen im Bereich E-Commerce und Controlling, die mit Microsoft Power BI erstellt wurden. Dank fertiger Standard-Schnittstellen und fertiger Reports, kann diese Lösung schnell und unkompliziert angebunden werden. Unabhängig davon, ob Ihre Daten lokal im Unternehmen oder in der Cloud abgelegt sind, ob Sie eine schnelle Lösung oder ein komplett individualisiertes Projekt möchten - mit der plus-IT bekommen Sie stets die optimale Lösung. 

Bright Consulting JSC

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At Bright Consulting we have a real passion to help enterprises transform IT. Our customers are looking for ways to deal with the complexity IT brings, to simplify and automate processes, to streamline and integrate operations. We realized the value we can deliver for them with a holistic approach to manage IT. With a focus on Service Management, we enable IT to reach greater efficiency and transparency. We understand the power of technology and best practices to enable on-going business transformation. Through strategic partnerships with some of the leading technology vendors, we deliver end-to-end IT Management solutions. Together we have the right technology and business practices to support enterprises in their IT transformation initiatives.

Rubicon BV

Partner Directory

OPLOSSINGEN DIE AANSLUITEN OP UW WERKPROCES De kenniswerkers binnen uw organisatie weten als geen ander hoe bedrijfsprocessen verlopen, welke inzichten nodig zijn om goed te kunnen sturen en op basis van welke data deze inzichten tot stand komen. Zij maken gebruik van de beschikbare BI-oplossingen binnen de organisatie, maar hebben daaraan niet genoeg: echt inzicht ontstaat juist door bedrijfsinformatie te combineren met externe gegevens. BI voor uw hele organisatie Dit vraagt BI-oplossingen die veilige en gestandaardiseerde beschikbaarheid van informatie combineren met de flexibiliteit om ad hoc analyses uit te voeren. Microsoft Power BI biedt deze combinatie. Niet alleen is Power BI een platform om persoonlijke analyses te maken en te delen, maar het vormt ook de laatste stap om Enterprise BI-rapportages naar eindgebruikers te brengen. Bovendien stelt Power BI u in staat om via smartphones en tablets te werken met rapporten en dashboards zodat de benodigde informatie op elk moment beschikbaar is. Onze aanpak voor Power BI Op basis van onze ervaring met het Microsoft BI-platform en Power BI in het bijzonder, heeft Rubicon een aanpak ontwikkeld om Power BI succesvol te implementeren in uw organisatie. In deze aanpak is Power BI geen losstaande self-service oplossing, maar een integraal onderdeel van uw complete platform voor bedrijfsinformatie. We leveren in korte tijd resultaten die tot waardevolle inzichten leiden en zorgen voor draagvlak binnen uw organisatie. Meer weten? Maak een afspraak voor een Power BI-workshop waarmee u een beeld krijgt van de mogelijkheden en die concrete vervolgstappen oplevert.

White Cube

Partner Directory

ENGLISH White Cube listens to customers and delivers intelligence and services so they can do more and better. We work with the Organization’s Intelligence, offering consultancy, development and training in several segments, such as Database and Business Intelligence. We are a company with a high degree of specialization and technical knowledge, with experts and senior professionals, of high quality, who stand out in their skills, both in the consulting and training areas. As a Microsoft Partner, the company represents the key qualifications to deliver Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Data Science and Big Data projects with quality and efficiency, meeting Data Platform, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics competencies. In its technical staff the company accumulates more than 60 Official Microsoft Certifications, more than 7 thousand people trained and more than 100 thousand hours of specialized BI consultancy. PORTUGUÊS A White Cube escuta seus clientes e entrega inteligência e serviços para que eles possam fazer mais e melhor. Nós trabalhamos a Inteligência das Organizações, oferecendo consultorias, desenvolvimento e treinamentos em diversos segmentos, como Banco de Dados e Business Intelligence. É uma empresa com alto grau de especialização e conhecimento técnico, possui profissionais Plenos e Sênior, de altíssima qualidade, que se destacam em suas habilidades, tanto nas áreas de consultoria como em treinamentos. Como Microsoft Partner, a empresa representa as qualificações chaves para lhe entregar projetos de Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Data Science e Big Data com qualidade e eficiência, atendendo as competências de Data Platform, Business Intelligence e Data Analytics. Em seu corpo técnico a empresa acumula mais de 60 Certificações Oficiais Microsoft, mais de 7 mil pessoas treinadas e mais de 100 mil horas de consultoria especializada em BI.


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A BHS tem um portfólio abrangente para entregar soluções modernas de TI, coerentes e integradas com a necessidade de negócio de cada cliente. Somos especialistas em otimizar sua empresa através de soluções tecnológicas de forma segura e flexível e ainda apoiá-lo na jornada digital. Alguns dos nossos serviços: business Intelligence, gerenciamento e modernização de Infraestrutura de TI, segurança e compliance, desenvolvimento de software, portais de colaboração, business inteligence, outsourcing e soluções para gestão de portfólios de projeto.


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At walkerscott we are all about partnering with you to help unlock the power of technology to drive efficiency, growth and change and in your business. With the advent of Power BI as the market leader in data visualisation and analytics, measuring performance and taking targeted action to improve performance has never been easier or more enjoyable. We have partnered with clients in a variety of industries, including Consumer Packaged Goods, Health, Education, Retail and the Public Sector to deliver clever, enterprise-grade reporting solutions on Microsoft's Azure platform and in Power BI.We would be delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you about how we can provide you with the right information, in the right place, and at the right time, using Power BI.Walkerscott has offices in Australia, New Zealand and India all with experts knowledgeable in core business systems and technical expertise in Power BI.

UNIDAX Consulting do Brasil Ltda

Partner Directory

A UNIDAX é uma consultoria especializada na implementação de sistemas de gestão empresarial (ERP), BI e automação de processos (BPMS) em projetos nacionais e internacionais, sempre comprometida com a potencialização dos resultados de seus clientes. Apoiada pela Microsoft e por grandes parceiros e ferramentas locais, oferece a seus clientes experiência, tecnologia e soluções robustas para sua transformação digital, alinhadas às melhores práticas de gestão e negócios do mercado.Especialista na plataforma Microsoft Dynamics (365, AX e CRM) e Power BI, com uma equipe altamente vocacionada e qualificada, por meio da experiência de mais de 25 anos, a UNIDAX está preparada para atender com excelência seus clientes nas demandas de tecnologia da informação, na otimização da gestão de seus negócios e no apoio à transformação digital. Serviços oferecidos: licenciamento de software e infraestrutura em nuvem (Dynamics 365, Office 365, Power BI, Exchange, Azure...), consultoria em TI, desenvolvimento de soluções e apps, treinamentos, suporte para sustentação e melhoria contínua e infraestrutura para TI.Nosso expertise com POWER BIA UNIDAX possui uma equipe de profissionais altamente qualificados que implementam e suportam soluções de Business Intelligence (BI) em pequenas e médias empresas que desejam ter uma maior visão de seus negócios.Nós fornecemos soluções abrangentes que permitem às empresas antecipar condições de mercado em constante mudança. Para alcançar esse objetivo, concentramos áreas como organização de processo, gerenciamento de desempenho, otimização de recursos e redução de riscos, levando em consideração não só a satisfação de necessidades atuais, mas também futuras, implementando soluções altamente escaláveis. Áreas de nosso expertise:Data FoundationIntegração com os sistemas dos clientes (ERP e/ou outros sistemas);Modelagem e Implementação de Data Warehouses;Desenvolvimento de ETL (Extração, Transformação e Carga (Loading)) e Análise da Qualidade dos Dados. Business Intelligence (BI)Implementação de soluções de BI em plataformas Microsoft SQL Server;Implementação de soluções de BI sobre plataformas SAP Business Objects.Interface com o UsuárioReporting;Dashboards/Painéis interativos;Integração Microsoft Office;Mobile BI;Publicação de conteúdo avançado.

Sword IT Solutions Ltd.

Partner Directory

What we do Success in a constantly evolving digital environment requires a partner that you can trust to help optimise what you have today and to interpret new technology in a way that enables you to make informed decisions on the best way forward. We take time to understand your business, its drivers and your issues. How we do it We are domain experts, but you know your business in detail. We will work together to find the best fit solutions based upon what works best for you today and moving forward. We aim to build long term partnerships through the way we deal with customers, keeping what we do simple and always focusing on delivering real value. What we can do for you  We focus on two areas – firstly can take away the challenge of managing day to day IT and optimising what you have, allowing you to focus on the high value activity; and secondly we can help you to succeed in this new digital environment, transforming your business using technology as an enabler not an inhibitor. We can help unlock your competitive advantage.     

GABO mbH & Co. KG

Partner Directory

Mit GABO entwickeln Sie Lösungen zur Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen, zur digitalen Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen und im Bereich Business Intelligence. Mit jeder Technologie.GABO ist der führende Lösungsanbieter im Bereich Geschäftsprozessoptimierung, digitale Zusammenarbeit und Business Intelligence. Zusammen mit unseren Kunden entwickeln wir einzigartige Branchenlösungen. Mit persönlichem Engagement, unserem tiefen Kunden- und Prozessverständnis sowie plattformübergreifender technologischer Kompetenz begleiten wir Sie von der Beratung, über die Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung Ihres Projektes.Als etablierter Microsoft-Partner bietet GABO Ihnen umfassende Unterstützung in jedem Bereich von Power BI. Mit Power BI ist die einfache Anbindung von Datenquellen aus hybriden Umgebungen mit Office 365 und on premise perfekt gelungen. Zudem bietet Power BI starke Visualisierungsfunktionen. Mithilfe der Werkzeuge identifizieren Sie Probleme bei der Datenqualität und Datenformatierung. Aussagekräftige Berichte werden zum Kinderspiel mithilfe der über 20 integrierten visuellen Elemente und einer starken Community, die benutzerdefinierte Visualisierungen bereitstellt.Die flexible Cloud-Computing-Plattform Microsoft Azure kann auch bei der Umsetzung von Microsoft BI-Lösungen klare Vorteile gegenüber klassischen On-Premise-Infrastrukturen mit sich bringen. Hohe Skalierbarkeit, nutzungsbasierte Abrechnung und die Hinzunahme von zahlreichen Azure Services machen Ihre Infrastruktur innerhalb kürzester Zeit „BI-fähig“ – und das in Kooperation mit Microsoft Rechenzentren in Deutschland! Ob On-Premise oder in der Cloud: GABO prüft mit Ihnen gemeinsam, welche individuelle BI-Infrastruktur für Sie die größten Vorteile bringt.

A S Kelman Limited

Partner Directory

As a Data Warehouse and BI Consultancy with over 15 years of experience of implementing Data Warehouse and BI solutions both On Site and within the Cloud, we are able to design, build, implement and manage bespoke solutions that bring the best out of your data and provide the organisation with actionable insights at its fingertips.The flexible approach we bring to the Power BI Partner services that we offer means that we are able to offer you a tailored approach to the solutions we build (or the Power BI Infrastructure we put in place) whether that be a full suite of Dashboards/Reports or a couple of targeted Dashboards packaged within an App.We also have a wealth of experience across many sectors including (but not limited to) Legal, Healthcare, Financial and Education.

Indusa Technical Corp.

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Indusa offers a complete range of business intelligence and predictive analytics and maintenance services combined with the expertise in data management and data integration to provide information that is tailored to customer needs. We capitalize on robust BI technology such as Microsoft BI Stack (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS), visualization and self-service BI on ERP sources Dynamics AX, CRM through Microsoft Power BI for Office 365, Power BI embedded apps, on cloud -Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Azure Analysis Service. We are a Microsoft Partner with expertise in Microsoft Power BI and data warehousing technologies. With our proficiency in the areas like operational data stores, data marts, staging areas, ETL design, dimensional data modeling, online analytical processing, and more, we help our clients design and develop data management solutions to match the information demands of their businesses. From developing standard BI tools to building advanced analytics solutions, Indusa’s BI experts have delivered success stories across multiple domains. We deliver a complete suite of Business Intelligence Services including -          Self-Service: Insight from any data through Excel and Power BI         Dashboards and Reports: For advanced filtering, guided navigation, interactive analytics, and visualizations         Analysis: For interactive data analysis, reporting, and visualization         Predictive Analytics: Form a reliable basis for accurate forecasting and help companies make better decisions

Fuzeium Innovations Inc.

Partner Directory

Fuzeium is a data analytics consultancy.We enable our clients to make data-driven decisions.> We design, build and implement data dashboards using Microsoft Power BI> We provide data management services to access, clean, integrate, prepare data for analysis.> We manage projects that integrate all the aspects of data management and analytics Our clients are businesses, industry associations, and non-profitsWe are located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

Data Maru Inc

Partner Directory

Data Maru is a leading business analytics solution firm. We provide data-driven business solutions for clients who want to utilize their data more effectively and visually with Microsoft Power BI technology. In 2018, we became both a Microsoft Power BI Solution partner and Microsoft Data Analytics & Application Development partner. We have been delivering successful business intelligence solutions to the clients in various industries including healthcare, commercial insurance, information technology, and telecommunications. We also worked with non-profit organizations utilizing U.S. government data from over 70 sources. We provide services including defining key measures from decision makers, designing Power BI solutions, and delivering successful data integration and analytics solutions.


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As a privately-held business, we have the flexibility to do the right thing for our clients, unencumbered by the constraints of VCs or institutional investors. The genuine long-term partnerships we have established with some of the world’s largest organisations attest to the success of our approach.Whether working as a sole supplier, or collaborating in mixed client and vendor teams, our flexibility, commitment to technical excellence and absolute focus on outcomes mean we routinely succeed where others have failed to deliver.As pioneers of agile delivery at scale, our innovative Enterprise Agile® approach has been recognised by the Queen’s Award for Enterprise and enables organisations of all sizes to deliver business value from IT transformation.


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Our strategyWe believe that ICT is the key to solving the new challenges faced by organisations. ICT can also be instrumental in enabling major societal transformations, such as more efficient government, affordable healthcare and a clean environment. For ICT to effectively play that role, people need to be able to rely on properly functioning, sustainable solutions. Only then can ICT help people successfully contend with a world that is changing at increasing speed and create long-term value. This is the goal that Ordina strives to realise each day.Our working method is tailored to these contemporary challenges. The era dominated by huge IT departments and large-scale projects is over. There is a growing need for compact projects that can deliver concrete results quickly through short-cycle sprints, the flexible deployment of specialists and an agile approach. Ordina achieves these results through successful new business propositions.Vision and missionVisionHumanising ICTTechnology is right at our fingertips nowadays. Devices and apps are becoming smarter, more personal and intuitive. Technological solutions anticipate our needs and incorporate our personal experience. Human needs and technology are increasingly converging. This ‘humanisation’ of ICT comes with high demands in terms of design and user-friendliness. It requires not only technological know-how, but also medical, psychological and sociological insights and new forms of leadership to generate value in the long term. Ordina anticipates these developments in the design of our training program and recruitment strategy.We are aware that results are what matters. The user not only expects more functional possibilities, but also needs to trust that new solutions will do what they say they will. Ordina is committed to fulfilling these expectations, because we believe that ICT should simply work.MissionInnovating together with a long-term visionOur aim is to join forces with our clients to develop innovations with a long-term vision. We invest significantly in understanding and gaining insight into our client’s business so that we can apply the latest know-how and technology within their context with the utmost care. We find that there is a close connection between the smooth functioning of an organisation’s primary processes and the flexibility of the IT environment. Thus, by definition, ICT projects have become comprehensive processes of change: successful implementation depends on the degree to which existing processes and employee roles and responsibilities are able to change as well. This requires an intensive form of collaboration, not only from the client’s side, but on the part of Ordina as a supplier. And above all, it takes a co-creation mindset geared towards jointly achieving the best results. A socially responsible approach is a key element.It goes without saying that building lasting relationships with clients and employees is important to us. This is the only way to ensure that we can maintain the knowledge and technologies it takes to be truly meaningful to our clients and to realise long-term value creation. Ordina remains accessible to clients and has thorough knowledge of the local market and laws and regulations, which we also reinforce through partnerships. The lines of communication with specialists and management at Ordina are kept open.


Partner Directory

Strategix is one of a few solution providers that deliver fully integrated Microsoft business and technology solutions at a low total cost of ownership and with the level of functionality and reliability that is attractive to mid-market companies as well as to large enterprise divisions. The value of Strategix has also filtered through to the rest of the Partner community as we are Microsoft’s preferred supplier of partner training in Microsoft Dynamics AX and NAV.   Strategix specialised industry solutions are built on Microsoft ERP platforms and tailored to meet specific industry requirements.  We combine the power of Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV, CRM and Power BI with industry-specific functionality and best practices to deliver a solution that meets the unique needs of your industry and your business.  We have successfully implemented and support organisations in over 40 countries across 6 continents.   Strategix has a team of 55+ highly qualified, predominantly Microsoft focused consultants. We hold Microsoft certifications across the Microsoft Dynamics NAV, AX, CRM and many other certifications across other Microsoft platforms like Power BI, Power Automate and Power Apps.    Strategix is committed to Client Excellence. It represents our vision of creating lifelong client relationships and focuses on caring, sharing knowledge, and preparing clients for future success.  At Strategix, we recognise that the foundation of our success lies in our pursuit of client satisfaction.  Strategix programmes reflect our commitment to helping team members build enduring, successful partnerships with our clients’ solid relationships defined by confidence and trust.   By combining our wealth of knowledge and our proven implementation methodology that has been developed to minimize the risks that are inherent when deploying a new solution, we deliver solutions that assist us in building a long-lasting and satisfied client base.

New Technology Research

Partner Directory

Overview of New Technology ResearchNew Technology Research (NTR) is a Microsoft Certified partner with 20+ years of experience implementing MicrosoftDynamics Business Central & Navision. Headquartered in North Carolina but with a global reach. Our clientele rangesfrom small businesses to multi-company and multi-currency organizations unified on a single system. With cost effectivesupport and deep industry expertise in Manufacturing, Distribution, Real Estate, and more, NTR is the ideal Power BI partner for Dynamics Business Central & Navision partner.Services & ExpertiseNTR provides the end-to-end cost-effective Power BI services. This includes:1. Scoping and exploring your problem setOur team has 20+ years of implementation and support experience with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central & Navision in a range of industries. With this deep expertise we are able to dive into the specific needs of your organization and help outline what KPIs, metrics, visuals, and reports will best fit your team.2. Report design & configurationOur team has intimate experience with both Power BI Pro & Report Server and are available to assist in the configuration and set up or users or servers as needed. We do all of our report design in-house with a number of design templates and ideas your team can use for inspiration to best visualize your data.  3. On-going support, report updates, & trainingAs business changes or simply based on user feedback, our team is available to make updates to your dashboards and reports as needed. If you want to become self-sufficient, we can also train your team in the underlying data, dashboard design, and more.

Profit Software

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Profit Software offers solutions based on modern analytic platforms, consultancy services and IT solutions to companies in finance, energy, property management, healthcare, energy & utilities and manufacturing sectors. Our services consist of designing on-premise and cloud based architecture, packaged solutions for industry-specific analytics, consultancy services, planning and forecasting and technology assessments. Our core competence is in data warehousing, analytics and information management models. We have helped numerous companies to make the leap into the present with modern analytics solutions.  Profit Software is a Gold Microsoft partner and we have launched some of the very first Power BI solutions in Finland.Profit Software has been founded in 1992 and employees over 230 people across our 6 office locations in the Nordics.Our Business Intelligence & Analytics services are the following:Consultancy servicesSelf-service reporting and analyticsData warehouse and data qualityAdvanced analyticsBig Data and IoTContinuous BI services

FMT Consultants

Partner Directory

Our Microsoft solution offerings include: - Dynamics 365 Business Central (Mid-Market) - Dynamics 365 for Sales (Dynamics CRM) - Dynamics GP (Great Plains) - SharePoint - PowerBI - Azure - Infrastructure Security - System Integration - Office 365 FMT provides business application implementation, consulting, and ongoing client support. Additionally, FMT helps clients measure the success of a technology implementation with KPIs mutually defined & determined at the beginning of every project. FMT Delivers: Measurable Results | Increase in Sales | Decrease in Operational Costs | High Technology Adoption | Rapid ROI  With top industry experience and intellectual property, we empower organizations to harness the power of cloud computing to solve complex business challenges. Today’s business environment requires you to implement innovative solutions to effectively manage increasingly complex supply chains while simultaneously reducing operational expenses. Additionally, you have to worry about finding new customers while keeping happy clients which requires solid relationships build on trust, responsiveness, accuracy, and collaboration. Companies lean on FMT to help navigate their day to day technology and business challenges. FMT Consulting Offer Varieties: -             Briefing: Introduction to a solution or a consulting services. -             Assessment: Evaluation of business processes to select a solution. -             Workshop: Interactive hands-on engagement. -             Proof of Concept: Limited scope implementation to verify solution meets requirements. -             Implementation: Results in fully working solution to be completed. Delivery methods Include:              Fixed Fee              Pre-defined scope              Defined Outcome FMT is the fastest growing Microsoft partner in north America with a proven track record & outstanding service. Our five areas of focus include: -             Finance and Operations -             Customer Engagement -             Information Technology -             Business Intelligence -             Customer Support

HypeTeq Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Partner Directory

WHY HYPETEQ:❑ Microsoft GOLD Partner organization ❑ Microsoft Certified Analytics competence – Data Analytics Competency ❑ Microsoft Certified Azure Cloud competence – Cloud Platform and Application Development competencies ❑ Business Intelligence competence - PowerBI ❑ Crew of Microsoft Certified professionals – over Architecture & Development expertise ❑ Proven industrial experience of delivering High Performance Computing solutions over Microsoft Azure being LIVE in use by BusinessesOur PowerBI Service Offerings:Consulting        Data Discovery Workshop        Data Maturity assessment        Project Online Dashboards POC        Power BI AdoptionImplementation        Data Aggregation and building Tabular model / cubes       Data visualization and reporting       Power BI Embedded       Azure Analysis Services       Power BI Report Server       Migration from other solutions       Analytics for business insights       AI / ML Integration Training Maintenance & Support


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Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman",serif;} BEWISE offers implementation services for Data Warehouses on premises, as well as on Azure services. We have implemented Azure Analysis Services and the processes that update the Azure Analysis Services models, using Logic Apps on Azure. We design, implement and support projects using Power BI, and our team holds multiple Microsoft competencies, including a Gold Competency For Data Analytics.  With  three case studies achieved: AHI-Carrier, VectorBrands and AgreenAction  we have implemented data warehouse solutions in SQL Azure, and designed and delivered insightful Power BI reports for business users, providing analysis of their Sales, Orders Intake and Sales Backlog.  We can help provide data insights for you with:Power BI (self service BI/interactive dashboards/KPIs)SQL Server Analysis Services (Deep dives into data insights and analysis)Cloud Analytics (Azure Data Warehouse/Azure ML Services/ Azure IOT Services)


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Logic20/20 is a West Coast business and technology consulting firm. We specialize in creating simple and elegant solution for complex business challenges. Our differentiator is our focus on clarity to drive simple and efficient customer outcomes to help organizations: 1. predict and increase their sales2. understand their customer3. automate repetitive tasks across channels, and4. increase the speed of innovation to market. Logic20/20 is a business and technology firm. Our sweet spot is in understanding the larger business problem and using technology solutions like Power BI to solve them for our customers. Our teams handle end-to-end analytics solutions, including dashboard design and implementation, data governance, data warehousing, data migration,  assessments and road maps, and production grade cloud-based solutions. Logic20/20 uses Power BI in our visual analytics solutions, in conjunction with our Dashboard Design Process. By focusing on people first and aligning user and stakeholder requirements from the start, we're able to create business dashboards that answer real business questions. As a part of the process, we define questions (using natural language) and leverage scenario mapping to better understand how users will leverage the data, including what the next steps are for the user, based on the data. 

Softlanding Solutions Inc

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Softlanding has the skills to help collect, organize and visualize the multitudes of data being generated by your organization. Thus providing decision makers the Business Intelligence tools to spot risk, find opportunities and make informed decisions. Softlanding's underlying Business Analytics Solution is based on Microsoft's comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) platform. This platform for data integration, data warehousing, analysis, and reporting is visually displayed on a free-form drag-and-drop canvas with easy-to-use report authoring experience.  


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BertIA somos un equipo de profesionales orientados a ayudar a las empresas a resolver problemas de negocio y construir para el futuro. Nos preocupamos para hacerlas más eficientes, más rentables y mas inteligentes en el uso de la información. Aplicamos las mejores prácticas y tecnologías para obtener el máximo valor de los datos usando la mejor tecnología de Microsoft y añadiendo nuestro propio valor incluyendo sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial y Analítica Avanzada que funcionan. Nuestra misión es el éxito de nuestros clientes. Ofrecemos herramientas que facilitan la toma de decisiones haciéndolas más ágiles, precisas y eficientes para aportar una mejora directa a sus negocios Nuestro valor más importante, las personas. Contratamos el mejor talento que podemos encontrar y trabajamos duro para crear una cultura de colaboración, esfuerzo y aprendizaje continuo. Creemos en las personas apasionadas, ellas nos permiten el éxito de nuestros clientes. 

Tekaris GmbH

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Tekaris - Embrace Change Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Innovationskraft und die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung die entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktoren für Unternehmen werden. Darum haben wir "Embrace Change“ zu unserer Maxime gemacht. Veränderung heißt für uns, in smarten Teams die Lösungen für das Morgen zu entwickeln. Dabei verbinden wir Technologiekompetenz mit Hands-on-Mentalität. Unsere Innovation Scouts entdecken neue Technologien und machen Sie für unsere Kunden nutzbar. Unternehmen brauchen antrittsstarke Partner für ihre Innovationsprojekte, um diese – auch auf unkonventionellen Wegen – zu realisieren. Unsere Berater schauen über den Tellerrand und arbeiten an Lösungen, die zu Ihnen passen, und die wir gemeinsam umsetzen und mit Leben füllen. Denn nur durch intuitive Ansätze erreichen Sie die Akzeptanz bei Ihren Anwendern, die Sie brauchen, um Ihr Unternehmen weiter nach vorne zu bringen. Mit der umfassenden, leistungsstarken, flexiblen und sicheren Microsoft Data Analytics Product Suite sind Sie für alle Anforderungen, die Unternehmen heute im Kontext der Nutzung ihrer Daten stellen, bestens gerüstet – sei es im Mittelstands- oder Enterprisesegment -  sei es in Ihrem eigenen Rechenzentrum oder in der Cloud. Mit Microsoft PowerBI nutzen Sie ein intuitives Business User Tool, um bisher unentdeckte Zusammenhänge in Ihren Daten zu erschließen und so neue Business Opportunities für Ihr Unternehmen abzuleiten. Steigen Sie mit uns ein in die neue Welt der Data Discovery.