Power BI Support


Re: Problem connection Power BI to MySQL data source

I'm facing the same problem. Can someone help?

Re: Text Analytics using Machine Learning Python Script in PowerBI

Hello,   Still i did not find the solution for that.   Thanks

Re: For 0 and Blank value matching returns the true value but want to consider false.

Hi You need to take into account that the blanks are being treated as zeros in your comparions. One way to do it is with the ISBLANK() function. A solution could be a calculated column like this: ...

Re: The table no visible columns and cannot be queried

The error message "The table has no visible columns and cannot be queried" typically indicates that the table that you are trying to query in your report does not have any visible columns. This could...

Permiso para establecer datos

He creado un informe de Power BI con objetos visuales de conjunto de datos y front-end. He publicado el informe en un área de trabajo y puedo ver que los miembros del área de trabajo tienen acceso ta...

Re: PowerApps Visual Stuck on "How to get started"

I am not sure it will help, I have existing canvas, with fields, that stopped working this morning, without any changes. See: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/PowerApps-Visual-Issue/m-p...

Re: wrong Month values showing

You're very welcome. Glad it worked 🙂

Re: Wanted help to understand DAX with selection criteria

@sbm_tekade  You cannot achieve this using a calculated column. Columns never reference the value of a slicer, as they are already precalculated before the slicer selection: https://excelwi...

Re: Uso compartido de informes

@hezheron 1) No, necesita PPU para acceder al informe publicado en el espacio de trabajo PPU, o Pro para acceder al informe publicado por el usuario con PPU en un espacio de trabajo Pro. Incluso e...

Re: Cuestionario de Personal en planta

Hi!   It looks so amazing!! Can you share me the pbix file into brais.cgaldo@udc.es?   Thank you so much!

Extraer datos específicos de una cadena incoherente en una nueva columna

Hola a todos Necesito extraer algún texto específico de una cadena para usarlo como referencia futura, el problema se debe a que los datos recibidos no son muy consistentes, he intentado usar la ...

Re: DAX formula to filter fact table from dim table

Hi @Idrissshatila . Thank you for your reply.   The relationship is active as below with both data types being whole number.   With the formula Count of overall e...

Re: Información sobre herramientas: mantener el nombre de la leyenda

Hola, crea una medida min(ProductCategory) Agréguelo como una tarjeta a su información sobre herramientas para que se muestre en la parte superior, digamos. no olvide colocar su categoría de nivel ...

Re: DAX IF OR Measure no funciona según criterios

@apple1111 ¿En qué contexto visual estás tratando de usar esto? Intente cambiar el valor SELECTEDVALUE a max y vea si eso le da un resultado, entonces debe comprender qué está haciendo, ya que puede...

Re: Usage Metrics Report does not show Page Views

Facing same issue starting this month, did we have any solution for this issue.

Re: 'LocalDateTable' with ShowAsVariationsOnly property set to '1' must be a target of variation....

Hi I had the same issue, solved it by going to Transform Data / Data Source Settings Then for each Direct Query link to PowerBI Datasets I clicked change source, (then just clicked confirm with all ...

Need help to sum value

Hello everyone, I have 2 table below :  Table 1 :    Table 2 :    I post a pibx in that link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i_KvhMvTM1HVo95eszc...

Row Level Security - Multiple Filter Criteria

I am trying to use RLS to filter some data according to a table which stores users territory information. The territory information is a table ("UserTerritories") consisting of both a Country and a T...

Re: Introducción a Power BI

Hola @Syndicate_Admin , Puede comenzar con la documentación de Microsoft Learn sobre cómo comenzar con Power BI https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/powerplatform/power-bi Puede ver est...

Re: Error de memoria: error de asignación de memoria en el escritorio de Power bi

@AmiraBedh Tengo más de 80 GB de memoria libre en el sistema. También he reducido columsn de la mesa y lo intenté de nuevo, pero no tuve éxito. Lo intenté instalando la versión anterior (Avg 2022...

Need help to write custom function between cell current value minus previous value based on Date

Dear Team, I need help to populate new coloum as i have column A i have Day , Column B i have values so i want substraction of Cell 1 - cell 2 can you help me to write measure query. I have tried i...

Re: Refresh popup messages (and others) not displaying correctly

    @ChiaraB you can find it there: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/fundamentals/desktop-latest-update-archive?tabs=powerbi-desktop   I can't downgrade myself,...