Power BI Support


Aleson ITC

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We work in BI from the start, helping companies to know their own companies with the focus of data. We try to help our customers developing BI systems using mainly Power BI from the earlier version of the tool. We have deployed project for Civil Infrastructures companies to control through Power BI dashboards and metrics the advance their build projects. One of these companies has projects in whole the globe and ned centralize the advances in its HQ. No w and after a strong data project to clear the data, the system is working in the company and helping them to show the costs and revenues with as a global to isolated point of view We work for the Brazilian company Alpargatas, where we deployed the main dashboards to control de metrics of their sells in EMEA, and growing uo the project. One of the main projects we developed is for a Law company in Spain, our customer is in te TOP 5 lawyer companies in the country, in the develop we take control of more than 500 metrics to help them to take better decisions.


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Grupo Oesía trabaja con las soluciones Microsoft Power BI, desde hace más de tres años.Estudiamos las necesidades de nuestros clientes y les proponemos la solución más apropiada basada en Azure, mediante el empleo de Power BI Service.Realizamos el diseño de los informes con Power BI Desktop con acceso a las diferentes fuentes de datos, empleando para ello los conectores propios de Power BI. Para ello, preparamos distintas propuestas de visualización de datos al cliente gracias a nuestro amplio conocimiento del negocio, ya sea la Empresa Privada o la Administración Pública.Unificamos y homogeneizamos los datos desde Power Pivot adaptando las ETL, generando un repositorio único o DWH (Data Warehouse) para que nuestro cliente cuente con una base sólida sobre la que llevar a cabo acciones en su compañía, transformando los datos en información útil para el análisis y apoyo a la toma de decisiones. Ayudando desde la disminución de costes, hasta la creación de nuevos negocios.Como la información es muy dinámica, preparamos actualizaciones programadas mediante la instalación de servidores Microsoft Power BI on-premises Enterprise Data Gateway. Para ello, se tienen en cuenta las horas de mayor afluencia de tráfico al sistema para evitar cuellos de botella en la descarga de los informes PBIX, si bien, en función de la naturaleza de la información podría ser necesario la actualización incluso varias veces al día, pudiendo hacerse hasta 8 veces con licencias Pro y hasta 48 veces con licencias Premium, permitiendo en este caso además, actualizaciones incrementales con georéplica por países en el caso de tener sedes por el resto del mundo, haciendo el acceso a la información más ágil. Estmos empleando nuestro propio servidor con Windows Server 2016 on premise en nuestras instalaciones. Este servidor es manejado totalmente por el equipo de Power BI.Para poder compartir los informes en los departamentos se hace necesario el empleo de licencias Pro, que suele ser la solución más empleada por ser la más económica, si bien se hace un estudio en función del número de usuarios. En el caso de que el cliente utilice grandes volúmenes de espacio de almacenamiento o bien datasets con más de 1GB, se propone una solución con licencias Power BI de tipo Premium con capacidades P1, P2 ó P3 en función de sus necesidades, siendo además suficiente disponer de licencias gratuitas para poder acceder a la información publicada en el espacio Premium, con el consiguiente ahorro de costes por volumen.En Grupo Oesía se hemos realizado pruebas de concepto con licencia Premium, donde es de destacar que el empleo de un servidor dedicado implica tanto mayor rendimiento como estabilidad en el sistema, habiendo comprobado que la caída general del servicio Power BI que a veces, aunque raramente, sucede, no afecta al servidor con licencia Premium. Es por ello, que estamos valorando el paso a este tipo de licencia Premium.Nuestra confianza en la herramienta Microsoft Power BI para el tratamiento y visualización de la información es tal, que es la que empleada para la generación y distribución de la información en Grupo Oesía comenzando por los Directores de los diferentes departamentos y ampliando el acceso tanto a los Managers del Departamento de Operaciones como a los diferentes Key Account Manager del Departamento Comercial de todos los sectores donde tenemos presencia tanto de la Empresa Privada como de la Administración Pública. Para ello accedemos a nuestro sistemas SAP / BW, diferentes tipos de ficheros generados por las herramientas propias de gestión de la Compañía, bases de datos Oracle, MS SQL Análisis Services, MS SQL Server, etc. Desde estos datamarts, hemos preparado diferentes tipos de visualizaciones para los diferentes Departamentos. Grupo Oesía es Microsoft Gold Partner

HMB, Inc.

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HMB is a Gold Partner in Microsoft's Data Platform and Data Analytics competencies, in addition to several others.  Our BI consultants have assisted customers start/expand their enterprise data platform using MS Power BI and other tools on the MS platform (both on-premises and Azure).Why HMB?HMB helps you capitalize on one of your most valuable assets – your data.HMB’s Data Visualization solutions enable business users to access critical information when they need it to make strong, strategic decisions, (all while reducing the time IT departments need to be involved). Here is what we believe makes BI Solutions successful: Connection not Collection Changes in the industry allow business the ability to skip expensive collection of data into a DataMart and instead use cutting edge BI tools to connect your applications with minimal performance impacts. Incremental Evolution Enterprise Business Intelligence is developed incremental over time to meet the needs of an evolving business. Success is achieved through BI planning, a roadmap and data governance. Stakeholder Alignment Build it and they will come rarely succeeds. We engage your stakeholders with a strong business acumen to uncover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that identify the performance of your business. 


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Persepta utilizes a Best Practice methodology for all customer engagements which is critical differentiator for us in the Power BI services market.  Deploying Power BI is a complex initiative - one that requires significant thought and planning.  All Business Intelligence initiatives very quickly result in a success or failure based on the business user’s expectations, trust and perceived value of the provided solution.  Power BI initiatives which are not approached correctly can fail quickly resulting in an erosion of business user trust. Our team has leaders with 20+ years’ experience of successfully deploying Business Intelligence solutions and we are leveraging that experience to provide our customers with highly valued Power BI solutions.  Partnering with Persepta for your Power BI initiative will reduce risk and lead to a cost-effective, timely and business-trusted solution.  For Power BI, our team provides the following services: ·       Proof-of-Concept Solutions:   Reduced-scope solutions inclusive of full life-cycle elements from data integration/mart through to Power BI components ·       Power BI Data Prep:  Power BI is most effectively implemented through proper business requirements gathering and a thoughtful data architecture.    ·       Power BI Business Solutions:  Full life-cycle solution including Discovery, Assessment, Envisioning, Proofing, Solution Architecture Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and User Engagement 

akquinet AG

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Die akquinet AG ist ein international tätiges IT-Beratungsunternehmen mit mehr als 800 IT-Spezialisten und Hauptsitz in Hamburg. Wir unterstützen unsere nationalen und internationalen Kunden bei der Konzeption, Umsetzung und im Betrieb modernster IT-Lösungen. Dabei betreuen wir sowohl mittelständische Unternehmen als auch internationale Konzerne. Innerhalb der AKQUINET Gruppe unterstützt das Power BI Team unser Kunden bei der systematischen Integration, Aufbereitung und Analyse von Daten aus deren zentralen Geschäftsanwendungen. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden dabei von der Entwicklung einer individuellen BI-Strategie bis hin zur Einbindung der Analyseergebnisse in die Anwendungen zur Unterstützung der Geschäftsprozesse. Durch den Einsatz von modernen Process-Mining-Methoden helfen wir unseren Kunden, Abweichungen und Engpässe in den Unternehmensabläufen zu identifizieren und mit Power BI zu visualisieren. Mit modernen BI-Ansätzen schaffen wir die Grundlage für fundierte Unternehmensentscheidungen und für die ständige Verbesserung von Abläufen im Unternehmen zur kontinuierlichen Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.   akquinet AG is an international IT consulting company with more than 800 IT specialists and head office in Hamburg. We support our national and international customers in the design, implementation and operation of state-of-the-art IT solutions. We serve the whole range from medium-sized companies up to international corporations. Within the AKQUINET group, the Power BI team supports our customers in systematically integrating, processing and analyzing data from their core business applications. We are supporting our customers starting with an individual BI strategy down to the integration of the analysis results into the applications to better support the business processes. By using state-of-the-art process-mining methods, we help our customers identifying  deviations and bottlenecks in their business process landscape and visualize them with Power BI. With state-of-the-art BI approaches, we create the foundation for sound business decisions and the continuous improvement of business processes to constantly increase competitiveness.

armely llc

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Armely is a leading big data and analytics consulting firm located in Southwest United States. We assist organizations build innovative solutions and platforms using data and analytics. Our success is driven by the culture of listening to our customers, responding to their needs and delivering beyond their expectations while growing their internal team to inherit and progress solutions.Whether it’s for a specific skill set or a project team in conjunction with your team, armely strives to ensure that the job gets done and exceeds your expectation.


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A Bizapp ajuda empresas e organizações de todos os tipos na transformação digital para aumentar a produtividade, tornar eficientes os processos de negócios e construir relacionamentos de resultado. Nossa equipe carrega um conjunto de conhecimentos nas áreas de VENDAS, MARKETING e SOLUÇÕES DE TI, o que nos permite suportar nossos clientes em todas as fases do projeto; - Levantamento - Briefing, entrevistas e inputs - Desenho - Arquitetura dos processos, escolha das soluções e apresentação de protótipo - Produção e Implementação - Desenvolvimento, gestão e concepção do projeto - Estabilização e Suporte - Capacitação, treinamento e acompanhamento A paixão, empreendedorismo e dedicação de nossa time leva essa empresa cada vez mais longe.


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Learn Power BI from a founding co-collaborator of Microsoft's Data Journalism Program and the winner of a Power BI Custom Visual award. Thought leaders in the model for data-driven storytelling, Enlighten Designs is globally leading in creative applications for interactive visuals. This immersive hands-on session is designed to guide you through the entire lifecycle of a Power BI report. Whether you’ve never opened Power BI Desktop before, or you’re already working with reports in Power BI, we’ll tailor the workshop to deliver new skills and value creation for your team. Delivered over two half-day sessions conducted on two consecutive days, you will develop deep expertise with this powerful cloud reporting tool. This engagement is delivered on-line via Teams and can accommodate up to 10 individuals who are ready to start with Power BI. All they need is their laptop, working space, and an internet connection to the Power BI service. ### Agenda **Day 1*** Overview of Power BI* General dashboard in a day hands-on labs using pre-prepped data and templates* Learn to connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources in hands-on lab sessions* Define business rules and KPIs* Learn about dashboard security, report sharing, and collaboration**Day 2*** Explore that data with powerful visualization tools and add-ins* Overview of Custom Visuals and publish to web functionality* Build a beautiful Power BI report* “Ask a Question” about your data**Note*** Pricing does not include travel and expenses.

Tiger Analytics

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Today, analytics and data science are not just nice-to- haves, but imperatives at the highest levels of business.Acquiring, storing and processing growing volumes of data; structured investigation to discover insights; advanced analytics & machine learning driven decisions; and an end-to-end pipeline that brings it all together can unlock hidden avenues of incremental revenue, optimized costs, and free cash flows for businesses. We deliver measurable business value using our experience across a range of commercial and open source tools & platforms, and a carefully curated talent mix that combines the best of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Consulting skills.Most data science problems can be divided into three sequential phases – problem definition & data discovery, model estimation & validation, insights & business application. We have broad frameworks to systematically approach a wide variety of data science problems to ensure business value.With Power BI, an organization can • Enable data collaboration across departments for a truly "no silo" experience.• Perform petabyte-scale analytics instantly.• Put actionable insights in the hands of everyone. Write us to know how to fully harness your data, save time and achieve consistency in actionable insights.


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FELIX Consultants is a specialist in Information technology (IT) services, and deliver technology-driven business solutions that meet our clients’ strategic objectives. We are a team of engineers, consultants, and analysts aspiring to exceed your expectations with high quality, in-time & cost-effective engineering & IT services. By providing sustainable, efficient, and innovative work delivery, we work to offer end-to-end solutions to all your queries! Power BI Skills: Formulating business requirements Translating business requirements into technical ones BI software development, deployment, and maintenance Report curation and data modelling Data warehouse design Document contents in a data warehouse and meta-data storage Create technical documentation for BI interface Provide technical expertise in delivering business requirements Acting as SME for Power BI

AlexanderThamm GmbH

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We empower our customers to develop their own strengths and accompany them on their way with our [at] Data Journey – from data strategy to the development of algorithms and the construction of IT architectures to maintenance and operation.OUR VISIONTechnologies such as Artificial Intelligence will help humanity meet its greatest challenges such as climate change, epidemics and a fair global economy. We believe in European values like privacy and human-centered AI.OUR MISSIONWe help people and organizations to use data and artificial intelligence responsibly and for the benefit of people. The focus is always on generating real added value from data. In this way we create an economically strong Europe with digital products and services that scale globally and are based on European values.

BISTEC Global Pty Limited

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At BISTEC, we provide data analytics and visualization capabilities for every organization level, from strategic dashboards to operational reports.BISTEC's capabilities include- Information architecture & design for the organization- Dashboard analysis & design based on specific needs- Dashboard & report development and implementation based on Power BI - Data automation & retrieval using Azure Data Warehousing platform- Data platform modernization consultancy & implementation Drop a line to anu@bistec.com.au for more information

BI Solutions Nederland

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Uw data is krachtigUw data is een kostbaar bezit. Een kostbare grondstof voor uw onderneming. Als u die data om kunt zetten in de juiste informatie producten kunt u sneller betere beslissingen maken. U krijgt meer grip op processen, kunt efficiënter aansturen en mogelijk kosten besparen.Maar hoe haalt u dat enorme krachtige potentieel uit die data?Als u daarvoor de kennis niet of onvoldoende in huis heeft, heeft u daar een partner voor nodig. BI Solutions Nederland is die partner voor uw informatie voorziening met diepgaande expertise van Microsoft technologie. Onze organisatie adviseert, analyseert en integreert de best denkbare oplossingen op basis van uw behoefte.

ec4u expert consulting ag

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Mit der Unterstützung von Customer Analytics & Business Intelligence holen Sie mehr aus Ihrer Customer Journey heraus. Anhand von regelmäßig berechneten KPIs erhalten Sie beispielsweise ein klares Verständnis über die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Prozesse, Kampagnen und mehr. Mit Hilfe von Business Intelligence lassen sich Kundenverhalten analysieren oder Trends frühzeitig erkennen und anschaulich darstellen. ec4u expert consulting ag unterstützt Sie basierend auf Ihren Daten, die digitale Grundlage für unternehmerische Grundlagen zu schaffen. Unsere Power BI Leistungen:Evaluation Ihrer Use Cases mit ersten LösungsszenarienPilotprojekte im agilen ProjektansatzScale-Out & Implementierung des Power BI LösungsportfolioEnablement Ihrer Mitarbeiter, zur wertsteigernden Verankerung in Ihrem UnternehmenSelf Service BI zur selbstständigen Gestaltung eigener Dashboards in Ihren FachabteilungenTrainings für den sicheren Umgang mit Daten, Analysen & Dashboards Sie möchten tiefer in mögliche Customer Analytics- & Business Intelligence-Szenarien eintauchen, dann erfahren Sie hier mehr dazu. Wir freuen uns auf eine gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit sowie den Austausch mit Ihnen. 

Zensar Technologies

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Zensar has been a trusted partner to grow its customer’s business with data for more than 20 years. We help our customers optimize their business, gain competitive advantage, and help make better and smarter data-driven decisions. With our global presence and a team of best talents in the industry, we have helped 200+ clients across multiple domains in their journey from raw data to actionable insights. Zensar has a strong Microsoft Power BI practice which focuses on providing expert services, build capabilities aligning with market trends, drive innovation and thought leadership. Zensar follows a domain centric & consulting-led approach driven by industry experts to deliver right insights, at the right time, to the right audience. Our expertise includes: ·         Advisory and architecture design ·         Data preparation and KPI identification ·         Interactive and intuitive visualizations ·         Predictive analytics ·         AI-driven analytics & IoT Analytics ·         Self-service & collaborative analytics ·         Embedded analytics ·         Data and role-based security ·         Platform migration and sustenance services We have developed several accelerators for the visualization tools such as audit framework, reports migration framework, pre-built business applications which has helped us deliver up to 60% faster time-to-insights at reduced cost to our customers. Zensar is Gold level partner of Microsoft since 2013 with Gold level competencies in cloud platform, data and analytics, application development. We have successfully delivered 1000+ projects across industries such as Banking, Insurance, Hi-Tech Manufacturing and Consumer services to drive digital transformation leveraging Microsoft technologies.


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Codec is an Irish, Full-Stack IT Solutions consultancy founded in 1985 and headquartered in Dublin with offices in Galway, Cork and Belfast. In addition, we have offices in London, Cologne and Sulwaki, Poland. Employing 240 staff Codec is growing rapidly, expanding our team of industry-leading experts and continues to deliver on the promise of empowering businesses in the public and private sector.Codec can empower your business using Power BI. Codec are Microsoft partner of the year with 13 gold specialisations across the Microsoft stack. We have a team dedicated to helping organisations better understand and analyse their data through the use of Power BI. We work with some of Ireland’s leading organisations in building Power BI Dashboards.From envisioning workshops to proof of concept and full implementation our team of experts are ready to help drive better business outcomes.• Envisioning Workshops• Power BI Proof of Concept• Architectural Design Reviews• ETL Development• Data Warehouse Design• SSAS Design and Implementation• Reporting & AnalyticsContact Codec directly to find out more about our Power BI Services and how they can benefit your organisation.   

Breakpoint Technology

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Breakpoint Technology focuses on helping our customers solve business process problems - primarily related to managing data.  In many cases these problems have come from growth within the company that has rendered a previously working system to become unable to keep up or brought to light the fact that manual and cumbersome processes are overwhelming the team.  Our approach is always to start with understanding the business process  without rushing to push a prepared answer.  We like to focus on the long term rather than the quick fix - which is why we selected the name "Breakpoint" - taking the time to pause and truly evaluate for the best solution.     As an experienced Microsoft Gold Partner, we leverage the latest technologies, such as Power BI, to design data driven solutions that help our customers drive success.  Our  solutions allow customers to experience their data - any way, anywhere - using the modern BI platform powered by Microsoft Business Intelligence.

AKA Enterprise Solutions

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At AKA Enterprise Solutions, we understand that the key to success for any business is the ability to leverage technology quickly and cost-effectively to enable continuous innovation—which is where the Power Platform comes into play. In the business of empowering innovation for 30+ years, AKA Enterprise Solutions has the experience and expertise in industries, technology, and Microsoft offerings—including the Power Platform—to deliver solutions enable transformation, without disrupting other critical business processes or applications.   A key component of transformation is commanding your data, also enabled by the Power Platform. AKA has helped thousands of organizations extract more value from their data through high-impact KPIs, scorecards, and dashboards; descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive/prescriptive analytics; corporate performance management; and self-service BI.   Our success stories range across industries and encompass a wide variety of solutions, including: A client engagement hub with next best action within Dynamics 365 CRM; embedded Power BI reports for 360-degree view of clients; a mobile document uploader for SharePoint and Dynamics 365 CRM; a mobile trade approval app integrated with Salesforce; a legal document management system within Dynamics 365 CRM and Teams; a Salesforce “wraparound” enabling automated client reporting; and more.


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A Remay oferece, desde sua criação em 2010, soluções tecnológicas para resolver problemas de negócio. Nossos serviços englobam desde tecnologias consolidadas no mercado nacional e global, como Business Intelligence (Inteligência de Negócio), até inovações mais recentes, como o Big Data, que permite a convergência de todos os dados, seja qual for a plataforma (banco de dados, web, redes sociais e dispositivos móveis). Contamos com profissionais com experiência nas principais e mais modernas ferramentas, além de ampla atuação em diversos setores do mercado.Apoiamos nossos clientes no desenho de arquitetura, implantação, manutenção, análise de performance e formação de profissionais para atuarem no universo Power Platform, buscando maior entendimento e máxima utilização do consumo dos dados com Power BI, automação de processos de negócio com Power Automate e Power Apps, bem como suportando as evoluções do negócio com toda a gama de serviços da plataforma Azure. Contamos com especialistas que atuam como Mentores em nossos clientes, não somente apoiando o desenvolvimento de suas soluções Power Bi, por exemplo, mas juntos, buscando agregar o máximo de conhecimento ao time e valor ao negócio.  Seja qual for o ramo de sua empresa, estamos preparados para apresentar uma solução simples, rápida e adequada para suas necessidades.

Softrock Digital LLP

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Overview SR analytics is focused on improving business decisions using data analytics and business intelligence solutions. Our tailor-made Power BI solutions have helped many brands improve their bottom line by making data-driven actions. We are an India-based business intelligence consulting firm with a core mission to assist its clients to turn their data into corporate assets. Our experts distinguish themselves by either holding industry-recognized certifications and by having significant experience in their field of expertise. Skills and expertiseComplete Enterprise BI implementationsBusiness and Marketing AnalyticsData Visualization ConsultingWeb Analytics Consulting What do we do? We intervene at a strategic and subject matter expert level, or on projects with exceptional people as the key ingredient.We provide the foundation of information management and analytic capabilities to harness all value from data that matters.Delivering insights at the speed of business and improving business outcomes. We have a broad portfolio of services, solutions, and capabilities focused on the most critical aspects of today’s data-driven world of business. Mentioned below are some of our core analytic consulting services - Business analytics consulting - helps clients discover data insights quickly, quantify the business impact, and develop a strategy to use analytics everywhere. Marketing analytics consulting - helps you power your business with statistical modeling and high information dashboards to empower your marketing campaigns and marketing decisions. Data visualization solutions - make your vast amounts of data more accessible and understandable, using charts, graphs, and various other visual formats to tell stories and answer queries much faster. Web analytics solutions - gives you the power to analyze how website visitors interact with your web assets. From demographic data, event tracking to customized filtered reporting, it will help convert your website into a high-performing virtual machine. Why partner with us? Highest level of quality and commitment to timely deliveries Complete transparency and trust of handling your data More than 20k hours of analytics consulting work completed An exclusive team of resources working just for you like an off-shore team Consulting rates starting at USD 60/hour We leverage our expertise in the new generation of analytics and big data to push your business growth and keep them relevant for the future.  

Parv.ai LLC

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Pārv.ai is a Cloud-first, AI-driven company focused on Digital Transformation, from Developing Strategy, Architecture, to Implementation, including Change Management. We specialize in Power BI Analytics & Visualization, Azure ML & Data Science, AI Strategy, Digital Architecture Roadmap, and ML Implementation. Pārv.ai is a Microsoft Silver Partner - Data & Analytics | Azure, Data + AI Practice | Power BI | Consulting and Product DevelopmentSpecialization: Power BI Analytics & Visualization, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, Digital Transformation, Strategy, Architecture, and Implementation

Active Solution Sverige AB

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Information and data is something all companies have – in abundance. However, data tend to be sprawling and manual efforts are required to collect, sift, and visualize in a relevant way, making it easily out of date. Microsoft PowerBI embedded makes it easy to automate data flows and gain common insights that can be shared both inside and outside your organization.


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For more than 20 years, UST has worked side by side with the world’s best companies to make a real impact through transformation. Powered by technology, inspired by people and led by our purpose, we partner with our clients from design to operation. Through our nimble approach, we identify their core challenges, and craft disruptive solutions that bring their vision to life. With deep domain expertise and a future-proof philosophy, we embed innovation and agility into our clients’ organizations—delivering measurable value and lasting change across industries, and around the world. Together, with over 26,000 employees in 25 countries, we build for boundless impact—touching billions of lives in the process. Learn more at ust.com. UST's Power BI digital service is focused on helping our customer on their Digital Transformation journey with, Advisory Services, Integration & Data transformation, Data visualization, accelerated business application development and Business Process Automation thereby increasing the returns of our customers investment in M365 and Dynamics 365.

Solita Oy

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All we care about is creating impact that lasts, and we have the tech, the data and the insight to do just that. Our community of experts work together with you to help design and build not just any future, but the future we all need. Our unique service portfolio seamlessly combines expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software and mobile app development, AI & analytics, cloud and integration services. We are a fast growing community of over 1,600 experts in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and Germany.We work with leading visual analytics solutions. Our experienced visual analytics consultants can help you with every step of the way: from helping you to choose the right solution, getting you set up and started, building and coaching you to build fantastic visualisations as well as building the needed data foundation combining data from different sources.Data visualisation servicesOrientation & start of the journeyData-driven opportunities & user insight-based designTool selection & evaluationGetting started with analytics kickstartFoundation & implementationArchitecture planning & deployments & rolloutsEnd-to-end solution implementationsGovernance & practicalitiesTraining & best practicesScale & maintainMaintenance & supportFurther development & continuous improvementLicence sales & recommendations

Planet Technologies, Inc.

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Award Winning Microsoft Partner, we are a 100% dedicated to Microsoft cloud service offerings and Microsoft software development. We offer Microsoft based solutions on Office 365, Windows 7 and Windows 8 development, Dynamics CRM, SharePoint, Azure, business intelligence and SQL, cloud services, unified communications, user experience/branding, records management, workflow automation, portal development and collaboration, systems management, virtualization and more. Our team of 140+ Microsoft consultants includes Microsoft Certified Solution Masters (MCSM), Microsoft MVP's, Certified Trainers and Microsoft Ranger trained experts. Their technical knowledge and project management expertise has enabled us to excel for our customers who are some of the largest public sector and commercial organizations in the world. We are a six time Microsoft Federal Partner of the Year winner and a three time Microsoft State and Local Government Partner of the Year. Planet is one of only 35 Microsoft National Systems Integrator (NSI) partners which gives us unprecedented access to advanced training on the latest Microsoft products and services.