Power BI Support


FCamara Consultoria e Formacao

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A FCamara Formação e Consultoria atua no segmento de TI desenvolvendo e entregando tecnologias inovadoras para seus clientes e parceiros, através de soluções integradas e alinhadas às principais tendências de mercado como Cloud, Big Data, Enterprise Social, User Experience, Arquitetura de Desenvolvimento de Software, Arquitetura de Informação e ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). Somos parceiros GOLD Microsoft e oferecemos diversos serviços de desenvolvimento e implantação de produtos como Portais Internets e Intranets, Redes Sociais Corporativas, Inteligência de Mercado, Business Intelligence, Soluções na Nuvem. Nossas soluções são suportadas pelas tecnologias Microsoft: Azure, Office 365 (SharePoint Online, Lync e Exchange online), Power BI, SQL Server e Yammer. Além dos serviços acima citados, somos especializados nas verticais de negócios: E-Commerce, Varejo, Área Portuária e Turismo.


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Delivering innovative solutions to help customers innovate, adapt and unleash new business value. The HPE and Microsoft global strategic alliance is one of the longest-standing business relationships of its kind in the industry. For 30+ years, we have worked together to combine our respective strengths as industry leaders to deliver complete, integrated technology solutions that help our mutual customers increase the speed and effectiveness of their business through the use of innovative technologies. We are the only partnership in the industry that can help customers – from SMB to Enterprise - solve the diverse challenges of their business with solution and services portfolios that span Cloud Productivity and Mobility, Data Platform, Hybrid Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

ProActive A/S

Partner Directory

ProActive A/S har arbejdet med Power BI siden beta'en og anvender i dag Power BI i mange forskellige løsningsscenarier:Som frontend til klassiske on-prem data warehouse løsninger. I den sammenhæng anvender vi Power BI's enterprise gateway, således at rapporteringen kan foregå i Power BI - både den formelle samt self-service.Som frontend til cloud business intelligence løsninger. Vi har go' erfaring med at anvende Power BI i sammenhænge med Azure Analysis Services og Azure SQL Server.Som rapporterings- og analyseværktøj til "cloud usage reporting". Vi præsenterer og visualiserer Azure og O365 logfiler i Power BI med fokus på brugeranvendelse, licensoptimering, rapportering af cloud omkostninger osv.Som rapporteringsværktøj til at supplere Microsoft Cloud CRM.Vores konsulenter dækker den nødvendige bredde ifm. anvendelse af Power BI:Forretningskonsulenter til at afdække og scope anvendelsen af Power BI, men også afholde brugertræning i værktøjet.BI konsulenter, der kan hjælpe med de nødvendige data transformationer således data kan anvendes i Power BI.BI frontend konsulenter, der hjælper med at udarbejde rapporter, der lige præcist tilvejebringer de nødvendige budskaber.Infrastrukturkonsulenter, der sikrer, at Power BI på en sikker måde kan snakke sammen med de interne systemer og kan sikre at slutbrugerne har de nødvendige adgange til Power BI.Vi har lavet mange løsninger med Power BI kombineret med kildesystemer såsom Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (AX 2012/AX7), Microsoft NAV, Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Project og mange flere.Kontakt os og vi giver meget gerne en demo.


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Managility specializes in supporting our clients with the implementation corporate performance and analytics solutions based on  the Microsoft ecosystem (e.g. Microsoft Azure, SQL Server and the Power Platform (Power BI, PowerApps).From our offices in the Asia Pacific region, India, North America & Europe we provide end to end solutions that involve data integration and data warehouse automation, financial analytics & planning (FP&A) as well as artificial intelligence.With Acterys  we offer an integrated platform for data discovery and planning integrated with Power BI and Excel. Acterys enables business users to generate professional data models in the cloud or on premise with a click on a variety of accounting platforms and implement agile planning processes in the quickest possible time. A free trial and downloads of Acterys components: Power BI Apps and Power BI Visuals are available at: Business Apps – Microsoft AppSource


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Aptitive is quickly becoming Chicago's leading professional services provider for everything data. We are a small firm that plans to stay small by only hiring Chicago's top talent, which fuels our innovative culture.Whether your organization needs to analyze historical trends, visualize real-time data streams, or automate time-consuming report creation, we will help you build solutions that transform data into actionable, valuable intelligence. Analytics and Visualizations - By leveraging the latest platforms and capabilities, we will produce the visualizations and analytical details that allow you to quickly find your answer and make decisions.Data Warehousing - Data warehouses are the core foundation to BI, providing "one source of truth" into reporting, analytics, executive dashboards and insightful visualizations. Your business will gain fast, reliable access to the right information when and where you need it. Executive Dashboards -  No matter where your data resides - Aptitive can help connect and visualize your organization's complex information by integrating your applications into powerful, user-friendly dashboards that allow you to make quicker, better business decisions.

Optimus Information

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Data analytics is a complex and rapidly evolving field. With Cloud, IoT, Big Data, Data Analytics, the landscape is changing at an increasingly fast pace. Our technical experts are at your service to take advantage of these trends and help you succeed in your Data Analytics initiatives. We work closely with Microsoft to provide solutions on the Microsoft Data Analytics stack including Azure, Power BI, Cortana, SQL Server, SSRS and SSIS, to name a few. We are also happy to help you with your legacy stack to modernize and align it with latest technologies.Our areas of expertise include: Dashboarding & visualizationBig dataInternet of thingsData lakesData miningMachine learning Predictive analytics


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We are Data & Business Intelligence experts having implemented more than 100 different projects in major national and international clients. We have implemented Datawarehouse solutions, created Datamarts, integrated Reporting tools and designed dynamic dashboards based on batch & real-time data. Our Data Scientists have been implementing advanced statistical, predictive models and algorithms helping our clients to make better business decisions.Throughout our journey we have worked with nearly all Business intelligence and Analytics solutions available on the market. Also we have been engaged in Software Engineering since day one, having developed taylor-made solutions, mobile and cloud based applications and created Evalyze - a very sucessful software suite for Contact Centers.  

Millennium, spol. s r.o.

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Our clients usually face the problem of data being either difficult to access, or there is just too much of it and it becomes chaotic. The optimal solutions is Business Intelligence and reporting tool that processes business data into information and visually attractive form. The company receives an overview of the status and its activities immediately, leading to more effective decision-making.With Business Intelligence solution, our clients receive following benefits for their company: •    a good overview of the activities and overall performance of the company (Balanced Scorecard); •    higher speed and quality of decision-making process in the field of strategic management based on data accessible anytime from anywhere;•    KPI metrics of a company, under which it is possible to track the success of individual employee’s activities.•    the possibility of benchmarking – comparison of the success of individual activities, which motivate the employees to higher productivity; •     simple creation of transparent reports containing all the necessary information; •    facilitating the co-operation within the company;•    management of access rights for individual structures;•    inter-connection of different enterprise resources and allocation of all the information in one place;•    option of operation on cloud using the service of Power BI for Office 365;•    easy integration with applications and systems of third-parties.

Cloud2 Limited

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We make getting the right digital workspace or business intelligence (BI) system fast, easy and cost effective, using our technical expertise of SharePoint, Power BI and Microsoft on Azure, Office 365 and on premise. Using technology well helps organisations become high performers. That’s where we come in. We’re UK technical specialists in digital transformation who’ve developed market-leading SharePoint digital workspaces and business intelligence applications, Hadron 8020 and Meson-BI. They make your life easier and improve business performance. What makes us different is not that we can deliver this in the cloud, on premise or hybrid, but that we can do it fast, cost-effectively and tailored to your needs. Because Hadron 8020 and Meson-BI are 80% pre-built and 20% customised to be just right for you. 200,000 USERS … Our customers’ intranets or BI systems are always individual. What’s identical, is the expert, helpful, friendly way we’re with you on the journey. That’s why so many people use our solutions – and we have 21% of the NHS healthcare market and 30% of UK ambulance sector. Customers include: • NHS England • Public Health England • Tata Steel • IPL (Asda-owned) • King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Please get in touch if you’d like to speak to any customers about us. MICROSOFT PARTNER OF THE YEAR 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR: HEALTH – FINALIST ‘Cloud2’s dedication to providing outstanding value for our mutual customers is a prime example of the excellence we see in our talented community of Microsoft partners.’ Phil Sorgen, corporate vice president, Worldwide Partner Group, Microsoft Corporation Here’s some more about us. But we’d love to meet you.


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Our job is to use technology to help businesses perform better. We believe that allowing people to work in the way they want from the devices they want is central to an efficient, effective and engaged workforce, and to a successful business. To deliver this we provide solutions and services including secure working on the move, optimising data and information, and providing infrastructure and software on a subscription and project basis.

CompanyNet Ltd

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CompanyNet is a business consultancy and Microsoft specialist based in Edinburgh, Scotland, with over 17 years dedicated experience in Business Process Improvement. We are SharePoint 2013 and CRM 2013 experts. We provide Office 365, Dynamics CRM and SharePoint Online Cloud solutions. Please also see our Public Sector G Cloud 5 and V SaaS PaaS and Services offerings. We specialise in Creative SharePoint Portals and Collaboration development, by delivering Group Portals Intranets, Extranets and Websites that provide extensive collaboration capability amongst your workforce, suppliers and customers on a unified platform. As a Content and Collaboration Gold partner our expertise in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Information Architecture (IA) will ensure that we can deliver the best communications and collaboration solutions. Incorporating specific Line of Business applications and departmental sites to your Intranet or Group Portal we can ensure that you maximise your ROI in SharePoint and unlock the potential of this excellent development platform. We also specialise in building Business Process Management solutions on the Dynamics xRM (any relationship management), rapid development platform. As a CRM Gold Competency partner, we are in the top tier of companies dedicated to driving Business Process Improvement programmes with skilled consultancy and Business Process specialists. Our solutions provide the opportunity to retire outdated, expensive legacy systems, which are holding back your workforce. Please contact us for explicit details of how cost effective our combined SharePoint and CRM/xRM cloud and on-premise solutions have been for our existing customers. Solution Focus: SharePoint 2013 and CRM 2013 Business Solutions, ECM, Portals and Collaboration, Document Management, Intranets & Extranets, CRM & xRM, Business Process Management. Technology Focus: On Line and On Premise SharePoint 2013 and Dynamics CRM 2013, .NET, Silverlight, SQL Server.


Partner Directory

ALBARS yra “Microsoft Certified Partner”, kurios pagrindinė veikla – novatoriškiausių bei optimaliausių IT infrastruktūros sprendimų kūrimas ir įgyvendinimas. Įmonėje dirba didelę patirtį ir techninių žinių bagažą sukaupę IT specialistai (keletas iš jų turi MVP statusą), kurių kompetencijų sričių spektras: nuo dinaminių duomenų centrų/„debesų“ iki aplikacijų kūrimo pagal užsakymą; nuo unifikuotos komunikavimo/bendradarbiavimo koncepcijos diegimo iki hibridinių sprendimų „System Center“ ir „Azure“ pagrindu. Esame jau realizavę daugiau nei 50 projektų Baltijos šalyse, Skandinavijoje, JK, Vokietijoje bei Centrinėje Azijoje, plataus veiklos spektro ir įvairaus dydžio organizacijose (bankuose, viešojo sektoriaus, prekybos, inžinerijos, gamybos, naudingąsias iškasenas eksploatuojančiose įmonėse). Vieni iš pirmųjų Lietuvoje įgyvendinome „debesijos“ technologijomis paremtus IT projektus, kurie, kaip mūsų IT sprendimų pripažinimas, tapo Microsoft “Case Studie” objekais. Kitas mūsų įmonės sėkmės komponentas - teikiamos viešųjų ir privačių mokymų bei konsultacijų paslaugos. Mes, kaip "Microsoft Learning Partner“, rengiame Microsoft oficialius mokymus pagal programas, skirtas pasiruošti atitinkamų sertifikacinių egzaminų laikymui bei sertifikacijų įgijimui. Esant poreikiui, parengiame individualią mokymų programą vidinėms įmonių darbuotojų grupėms (IT administratoriams, programuotojams ir kt.), rengiame seminarus IT specialistams siekdami suteikti naujausių teorinių ir praktinių žinių, kurios padėtų įmonėms įgyvendinti užsibrėžtus planus, efektyviau panaudoti turimas technologijas – išvesti įmones į aukštesnį kokybės ir plėtros lygį.

Acando AB

Partner Directory

Acando är ett konsultföretag som tillsammans med sina kunder identifierar och genomför bestående verksamhetsförbättringar genom informationsteknik. Acando erbjuder balans mellan hög kundnytta, kort projekttid och låg totalkostnad. Acando skapar mätbara förbättringar genom att utveckla processer, organisation och IT så att de stärker uppdragsgivarens affärsverksamhet. Det ligger i Acandos uppgift att se helheten i uppdragsgivarens verksamhet och att säkerställa att varje åtagande ger en snabb effekt och ett mätbart resultat. Kundbasen är bred och omfattar såväl små som stora företag samt offentliga organisationer. Acandos viktigaste affärspartner är SAP och Microsoft. Acando omsatte närmare 2 miljarder kronor 2014 och har cirka 1800 medarbetare i fyra länder i Europa. Bolaget är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Nordic.


Partner Directory

Premiada por Microsoft como REVELATION PARTNER OF THE YEAR FY2015 y como PARTNER OF THE YEAR in INNOVATION WITH COLLABORATION en FY2016.Cuenta con más de 90 consultores, todos expertos en ámbitos especializados. En TOKIOTA sólo LOS MEJORES. Flexible a cada cliente y escenario, pero procedimental, estando orientada a proporcionar soluciones de negocio con base tecnológica.Partner preferente en soluciones Microsoft, por su buen hacer y los resultados demostrados, con el siguiente catálogo de servicios, entre otros:Soluciones de BI y Analítica avanzada con SQL Server y/o Azure.Soluciones de IoT, BigData y Machine Learning, OnPremises o bien basadas en la suite de AZURE.Arquitectura de SW y Desarrollos a medida en javascript y .NETGestión eficiente del ciclo de vida (ALM) de las aplicaciones (java, php, .net, etc.) e integración con operación (DevOps) con la suite de Visual Studio y otras herramientas.Aplicaciones móviles, nativas o multiplataforma (Xamarin).Soluciones de Intranet, Portales, Colaboración, Redes sociales, Gestión Documental y Comunicaciones Unificadas, en entornos OnPremise o Cloud Pública/Híbrida con Office 365 (Sharepoint, Yammer, Exchange y skype).Migración de aplicaciones (java, php, .net, etc), plataformas web (Drupal, Wordpress, moodle, etc.), infraestructuras (vmWare, citrix, hyperV etc.) y servicios (BBDD, streaming de media, CDN, storage, backup, disaster recovery, etc.) al cloud con AZURE.Soluciones de seguridad de información y dispositivos.Soluciones de Identidades, Infraestructura y Cloud Privada / Híbrida (Microsoft OnPremises y AZURE).Soluciones de Infraestructura y Cloud Privada / Híbrida (Windows Server, Identity Manager, Hyper-V, System Center y AZURE).Despliegue y Gestión de desktop y dispositivos móviles (Windows 10, System Center, EMS, Citrix).Servicios gestionados de soluciones Microsoft, tanto Cloud como OnPremise e Híbridas.Servicios de Gestión del Cambio y Adopción de nuevas tecnologías.

HCC Hotel Cost Control

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La matriz HOTELDATAFLOW ofrece las siguientes líneas de servicio, en formato de pago por uso:HCC-Hotel Cost Control: Formación en #PowerBI y Control de Gestión.Revtool: RMS360º para el Revenue Management Hotelero.Overgop: FMS360º para la Gestión Económico-Financiera de Empresas Hoteleras.Deepupsell: Machine Learning aplicado al Upselling HoteleroPor otro lado, para grandes implementaciones, se ofrece por adquisición un BI360º integral para Cadenas Hoteleras, cubriendo todas las áreas clave: Comercialización, Producciones, Financiero, RRHH, Compras, RPA y Machine Learning.

Aegis Company

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AEGIS Company’s digital analytics services span a wide range of needs aimed at supercharging your business solutions. AEGIS Company’s end-to-end digital analytics services will help you measure and optimize your audience interactions, so that you can create a better online experience for your users. Reporting AEGIS Company undertakes reporting and analysis for various marketing campaigns, management of site traffic, and user behavior patterns to improve overall business performance as well as enhance customer satisfaction. Digital Analytics Implementation AEGIS Company creates professional, accurate and compelling scorecards and dashboards that can be used by your management, key executives and other stakeholders, using the latest software offerings from Adobe, Microsoft, and Tableau. Marketing Attribution Analysis AEGIS Company helps you get a better understanding of what channel works best where, and how to improve them, by using deep statistical and visual analysis of marketing channel performance.  Scorecards & Dashboards AEGIS Company creates professional, accurate and compelling scorecards and dashboards that can be used by your management, key executives and other stakeholders, using the latest software offerings from Adobe, Microsoft, and Tableau. Customer Analytics AEGIS Company’s customer analytics services give users an all-round view of their customers, enabling them to receive customer feedback and patterns with higher clarity. Users can use this data to showcase their findings via reports and visualizations. Optimization AEGIS Company provides highly-effective optimization services by way of strategy, setup, and operation of leading-edge digital optimization programs that employ the use of technologies from Adobe, Optimizely, and many  

BBS Solutions

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BBS Solutions (Cloud - Collaboration - BI) est une entreprise algérienne spécialisée dans les solutions collaboratives, Cloud et BI. Nous aidons les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale en leur proposant des fabriques de solutions d'entreprise, avec un investissement réduit et une mise en place rapide (TTM réduit). Les solutions collaboratives / Portail : SharePoint & Office 365Les solutions décisionnelles (BI) de Microsoft : La suite SQL Server, aussi bien sur le moteur de base de données, que les solutions ETL (SSIS), analytiques (SSAS) et de reporting (SSRS et Power BI)Les solutions Cloud de Microsoft : AzureNous avons développé un partenariat fort avec Microsoft, nous sommes partenaire Microsoft Silver Cloud Productivity, mais aussi un des premiers partenaires "Power BI Certified Partner" en Algérie. En plus de Microsoft, nous développons des partenariats avec un ensemble d’éditeurs indépendants (ISV) proposant des solutions autour de SharePoint, comme Nintex, qui est leader mondial des solutions de Workflow pour SharePoint. Par notre savoir-faire et notre expertise, nous avons pu travailler avec des grands comptes algériens. Nous construisons une relation durable, de confiance avec nos clients afin de les accompagner dans leur projets. Nous avons déployé de nombreuses solutions Business Analytics basées sur Power BI ou la suite SQL Server (SSIS/SSAS/SSRS), couplées a SharePoint pour créer un socle technologique très puissant à moindre coût. Nous avons mené des projets avec des clients dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités : Oil & Gas, transport, agro-alimentaire ou BTP Vous voulez que nous vous accompagnions, contactez nous !

Query, Consulting & Software, S.L.

Partner Directory

En una industria TI en constante evolución, participamos en un permanente proceso de búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías y desarrollo constante de  aplicaciones que sean capaces de dar una respuesta eficiente a las necesidades y desafíos de nuestros clientes, agregando valor para sus negocios y mejorando la calidad de vida de sus clientes.Desde el comienzo nuestra misión ha sido agregar valor a las actividades y negocios de nuestros clientes mediante el mejor uso de las Tecnologías de la Información, construyendo relaciones de largo plazo, lo que nos ha permitido mantener una cercanía y contacto permanente con nuestros clientes.Nuestra propuesta de valor se basa en relaciones de largo plazo, cercanía y contacto con nuestros clientes, manteniendo un fuerte compromiso y entregando consistentemente soluciones que incluyen servicios y productos de calidad. Actuamos con el deseo sincero de ayudar, desde la sinceridad, la humildad y el entregarnos por completo a la consecución de los objetivos pactados. Nuestro ego queda anulado.* Independencia de las marcas* Alianzas de largo plazo con clientes* Base de clientes diversificada* Vocación de servicio, compromiso y flexibilidad* Equipo especializado y experimentado

Seven Seas Computers LLC

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Seven Seas delivers technology solutions and services in business software, data networking, business continuity and data center, enterprise and high availability, voice solutions, information security, intelligent building management systems (IBMS), smart homes, value added IT services, corporate procurement and consulting. Seven Seas is a Premier ISO 9001:2008 certified end-to-end ICT solutions provider since 1983.

Agic Technology

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Business Intelligence & Data Analytics Modelli, report e KPI di analisi avanzati ed interattivi sviluppati su tecnologia Microsoft per sistemi flessibili ed evoluti di Business Intelligence e di Performance Management, facilmente personalizzabili anche dagli utenti, in base alle proprie specifiche esigenze ed in modalità self service.   Analisi Statistiche - Modelli evoluti di Business Intelligence  Soluzioni di BI per la realizzazione di analisi statistiche basate sulla rielaborazione dei dati che risiedono sui sistemi operativi aziendali. Le soluzioni sono integrabili con sistemi ERP, CRM e HRM per introdurre analisi incrociate finalizzate al monitoraggio delle performances dell'azienda ed al controllo delle aree di maggiore criticità o chiave per il successo.  Le Soluzioni sono disegnate su piattaforma Microsoft Power BI che consente la connessione a centinaia di origini dati con governance e sicurezza predefinite. Semplifica la preparazione dei dati e la produzione di accattivanti report e dashboard interattivi, anche in modalità self service e fruibili via web e mobile.  MS Excel potenziato grazie all'add-in PowerPivot è lo strumento per la creazione di soluzioni di BI in modalità self-service, che consentano l'analisi dei fenomeni alla profondità voluta anche on demand.   Analisi Direzionali anche su Mobile - Migliorare le performances  Lo Strumento di reporting MS SQL Server Reporting Services è in grado di interrogare strutture dati sia relazionali che multidimensionali e di presentare le informazioni attraverso report, anche complessi, consultabili da interfaccia web nativa o da SharePoint o integrate in Power BI. Con Mobile Report Publisher è possibile creare report espressamente concepiti per una fruizione ottimale da dispositivi smartphone e tablet tramite l'app dedicata per iPad, iPhone, telefoni Android e Tablet e dispositivi Windows 10.  

BME Solutions Limited

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BME Solutions is a fast expanding software solution provider, which has been operating for 20 years. We deliver business intelligence, planning and student feedback software to the Higher & Further Education sector. BME implement, support and maintain these solutions at over 40 HE Institutions. We provide fast, powerful reporting tools without the limitations, cost or complexity of competing products. Our solutions are deployed in days or weeks allowing us to offer genuine value and an incredibly fast implementation cycle. Our solutions pull data from different underlying systems into powerful, easy to use analytics applications. We have revolutionised decision making, planning and data discovery at a strategic level at universities and colleges.


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VISEO, Expert des technologies web et des applications connectées VISEO conseille, accompagne en AMOA et délivre des projets agiles dans les architectures objet (Java, JEE, .Net) et web & mobiles (Android, iPhone, W8, HTML5, JS...). Les actes fondateurs de notre offre de services : ◾Faire simple mais pas simpliste ◾Etre agiles et construire évolutif ◾Innover au service de l’utilisateur ◾Automatiser et outiller les processus ◾Dessiner et rendre visuel plutôt que faire de long discours Aujourd’hui, VISEO c’est : ◾Des offres éprouvées de Conseil et de mise en œuvre de méthodes Agiles ◾Une forte culture de l’innovation matérialisée par la création de notre centre de recherche ◾Une offre de formation aux Nouvelles Technologies Nos compétences s’articulent autour des domaines technologiques, méthodologiques et pédagogiques. Acteur précurseur et promoteur de l’innovation, notre métier est l’optimisation de chaque étape du processus de développement logiciel en transférant vers nos clients des technologies, des méthodes et des concepts innovants. VISEO développe son expertise dans la modélisation, la conception et le déploiement des architectures (Java, .NET, Web 2.0) et des méthodes agiles. Des experts au service de l’innovation Grâce à un processus de recrutement très sélectif, VISEO rassemble des consultants reconnus au sein de la communauté des experts technologies web et objet. VISEO se distingue par une approche collaborative à travers la promotion des méthodes agiles dont il est un précurseur. Le client est impliqué tout au long du projet pour garantir la mise en œuvre d’une solution parfaitement adaptée à ses besoins. Une approche facilitatrice motivée par le service de l’usage et de la fonction Enfin, VISEO est Intégrateur de Solutions Open Source. Dans une démarche tournée vers l’efficacité, et en parfaire cohérence avec son statut de société innovante, nous avons construit un portfolio de briques fonctionnelles open-source afin d’être en mesure d’assembler des solutions adaptées et personnalisées dans les meilleures conditions (Time to market, gestion de la contrainte budgétaire, qualité et évolutivité). Retrouvez nos experts sur le blog VISEO Technologies

Two i Sverige AB

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Two är specialister på beslutsstöd och affärssystem. Vi har våra spetserbjudanden mot beslutsstöd med fokus på Microsoft Power BI samt affärssystemen Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX och Jeeves ERP.På Two sätter vi relationen till våra kunder och samarbete i fokus för att tillsammans göra våra kunder framgångsrika. Med långsiktiga partnerskap som grundsten är vi övertygade om att vi kan ge våra kunder hållbara affärslösningar som hjälper dem uppfylla sina verksamheters mål.Vi är ett expansivt företag inom koncernen Combined Excellence där vi har vårt ursprung som affärsområde på Ninetech AB. Våra kontor finns i Karlstad och Göteborg.

Knowit Decision Göteborg AB

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Om oss Knowit AB (publ) är ett konsultbolag som, inom den allt snabbare digitaliseringen, skapar unika kundvärden genom att erbjuda gränsöverskridande leveranser från tre affärsområden, Experience, Insight och Solutions. Det är förmågan att kombinera kompetenser inom design och kommunikation, managementkonsulting samt it, som skiljer oss från andra konsultbolag. Knowit består av cirka 1850 medarbetare representerade på 14 orter i Sverige och på fem i Norge samt en vardera i Danmark, Estland, Finland, och Tyskland. Knowit AB (publ) är noterat på den Nordiska Börsen i Stockholm. Information för press och om Knowits finans, bolagsstyrning och aktie finns tillgänglig via Investor Relations. Affärsområdet Knowit Experience har beskrivits som Nordens ledande kommunikations- och teknikbyrå med verksamhet i fyra länder. Genom riktad digital närvaro och berikande användarupplevelser via webb, mobil och sociala medier hjälper vi företag, organisationer och andra verksamheter att nå sina affärskritiska mål. Knowit Insight arbetar med olika former av managementkonsulting och stöttar kunderna både taktiskt och strategiskt. Våra specialister tar fram idéer, agerar rådgivare och utvecklar skräddarsydda lösningar, allt baserat på djup förståelse för kundens affär och verksamhet. Knowit Solutions hjälper företag och organisationer att utveckla sina verksamheter genom olika it-lösningar. Vi erbjuder spetskompetens i alla delar av systemutvecklingsprocessen – från idé, arkitektur och projektstyrning till systemutveckling, implementering, test och säkerhet.

Beijing Sharewinfo Technology Co.,Ltd

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Business intelligence systems today have gone beyond the narrow concept of BI, data warehousing, ETL and other technologies that cannot fully meet business needs.  We proposed the concept of pan BI, a variety of technologies to integrate, including BI, GIS, ERP, etc., to help customers quickly and easily achieve a richer automated data analysis.Our techniques significantly shortened the implementation period for business intelligence projects, and have also reduced the project implementation costs, so that small and medium enterprises can quickly achieve business value.We are committed to meeting business intelligence technology and business needs and promoting the automation of the data analysis process, so that the data in the enterprise can play a more significant role.