Power BI-support




Bespoke are Power BI Specialists - working with clients across multiple industries, from Pharmaceuticals to Aerospace and Education to Real Estate. Experts in designing and deploying analytical dashboards which allow their clients to become more data-driven and make smarter, more intelligent business decisions. From one dashboard with a single data source, to numerous dashboards with multiple views, connected to various data sources - Bespoke will ensure that whatever your business intelligence requirements, they will provide you with the right solution. Further to this, Bespoke provide a variety of Power BI training programmes - these being for beginners, the more advanced and those requiring custom training tailored to their specific business. Having Gold partner status in Data Analytics and Silver in Data Platform as well as Cloud Platform, is testament to their expertise in the field of Power BI. 

HMB, Inc.


HMB is a Gold Partner in Microsoft's Data Platform and Data Analytics competencies, in addition to several others.  Our BI consultants have assisted customers start/expand their enterprise data platform using MS Power BI and other tools on the MS platform (both on-premises and Azure).Why HMB?HMB helps you capitalize on one of your most valuable assets – your data.HMB’s Data Visualization solutions enable business users to access critical information when they need it to make strong, strategic decisions, (all while reducing the time IT departments need to be involved). Here is what we believe makes BI Solutions successful: Connection not Collection Changes in the industry allow business the ability to skip expensive collection of data into a DataMart and instead use cutting edge BI tools to connect your applications with minimal performance impacts. Incremental Evolution Enterprise Business Intelligence is developed incremental over time to meet the needs of an evolving business. Success is achieved through BI planning, a roadmap and data governance. Stakeholder Alignment Build it and they will come rarely succeeds. We engage your stakeholders with a strong business acumen to uncover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that identify the performance of your business. 

Revenite Pty Ltd


Revenite is an Australian consultancy focusing on leveraging your enterprise data assets to drive greater insights into business performance.   Revenite specialise in providing end to end data and analytic solutions for organisations wanting to leverage their data as an asset. Our highly skilled staff have years of experience in building platforms within the Microsoft Azure Eco System and can take care of all facets of the project from Architecture Design to Power BI model, build and deployment.  We have experience utilising the latest Azure technologies, such as Event Hub and Stream Analytics for real time data streaming, and Machine Learning for predictive models.   Our core services include:   CONSULTING & ADVISORY               Data Strategy & Roadmap               Data Governance Review               Technology & Architecture Review               Project Management DATA VISUALISATION               Power BI Advisory (Architecture, Roadmap & Governance)               Power BI Consulting (Design, Build, Automate) ADVANCED ANALYTICS                Predictive, Prescriptive, Descriptive Analytics                Customer Churn                Basket Analysis DATA & ANALYTICS PLATFORM                Modern BI Solution Architecture Design                Data Engineering / Modelling               Data Integration (Azure Data Factory v2, SSIS)                Microsoft BI Stack Development                Solution Architecture Design (Azure & Hybrid)                Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Design, Build, Automate, Migrate)             



Grupo Oesía trabaja con las soluciones Microsoft Power BI, desde hace más de tres años.Estudiamos las necesidades de nuestros clientes y les proponemos la solución más apropiada basada en Azure, mediante el empleo de Power BI Service.Realizamos el diseño de los informes con Power BI Desktop con acceso a las diferentes fuentes de datos, empleando para ello los conectores propios de Power BI. Para ello, preparamos distintas propuestas de visualización de datos al cliente gracias a nuestro amplio conocimiento del negocio, ya sea la Empresa Privada o la Administración Pública.Unificamos y homogeneizamos los datos desde Power Pivot adaptando las ETL, generando un repositorio único o DWH (Data Warehouse) para que nuestro cliente cuente con una base sólida sobre la que llevar a cabo acciones en su compañía, transformando los datos en información útil para el análisis y apoyo a la toma de decisiones. Ayudando desde la disminución de costes, hasta la creación de nuevos negocios.Como la información es muy dinámica, preparamos actualizaciones programadas mediante la instalación de servidores Microsoft Power BI on-premises Enterprise Data Gateway. Para ello, se tienen en cuenta las horas de mayor afluencia de tráfico al sistema para evitar cuellos de botella en la descarga de los informes PBIX, si bien, en función de la naturaleza de la información podría ser necesario la actualización incluso varias veces al día, pudiendo hacerse hasta 8 veces con licencias Pro y hasta 48 veces con licencias Premium, permitiendo en este caso además, actualizaciones incrementales con georéplica por países en el caso de tener sedes por el resto del mundo, haciendo el acceso a la información más ágil. Estmos empleando nuestro propio servidor con Windows Server 2016 on premise en nuestras instalaciones. Este servidor es manejado totalmente por el equipo de Power BI.Para poder compartir los informes en los departamentos se hace necesario el empleo de licencias Pro, que suele ser la solución más empleada por ser la más económica, si bien se hace un estudio en función del número de usuarios. En el caso de que el cliente utilice grandes volúmenes de espacio de almacenamiento o bien datasets con más de 1GB, se propone una solución con licencias Power BI de tipo Premium con capacidades P1, P2 ó P3 en función de sus necesidades, siendo además suficiente disponer de licencias gratuitas para poder acceder a la información publicada en el espacio Premium, con el consiguiente ahorro de costes por volumen.En Grupo Oesía se hemos realizado pruebas de concepto con licencia Premium, donde es de destacar que el empleo de un servidor dedicado implica tanto mayor rendimiento como estabilidad en el sistema, habiendo comprobado que la caída general del servicio Power BI que a veces, aunque raramente, sucede, no afecta al servidor con licencia Premium. Es por ello, que estamos valorando el paso a este tipo de licencia Premium.Nuestra confianza en la herramienta Microsoft Power BI para el tratamiento y visualización de la información es tal, que es la que empleada para la generación y distribución de la información en Grupo Oesía comenzando por los Directores de los diferentes departamentos y ampliando el acceso tanto a los Managers del Departamento de Operaciones como a los diferentes Key Account Manager del Departamento Comercial de todos los sectores donde tenemos presencia tanto de la Empresa Privada como de la Administración Pública. Para ello accedemos a nuestro sistemas SAP / BW, diferentes tipos de ficheros generados por las herramientas propias de gestión de la Compañía, bases de datos Oracle, MS SQL Análisis Services, MS SQL Server, etc. Desde estos datamarts, hemos preparado diferentes tipos de visualizaciones para los diferentes Departamentos. Grupo Oesía es Microsoft Gold Partner

Aleson ITC


We work in BI from the start, helping companies to know their own companies with the focus of data. We try to help our customers developing BI systems using mainly Power BI from the earlier version of the tool. We have deployed project for Civil Infrastructures companies to control through Power BI dashboards and metrics the advance their build projects. One of these companies has projects in whole the globe and ned centralize the advances in its HQ. No w and after a strong data project to clear the data, the system is working in the company and helping them to show the costs and revenues with as a global to isolated point of view We work for the Brazilian company Alpargatas, where we deployed the main dashboards to control de metrics of their sells in EMEA, and growing uo the project. One of the main projects we developed is for a Law company in Spain, our customer is in te TOP 5 lawyer companies in the country, in the develop we take control of more than 500 metrics to help them to take better decisions.

Hexaware Technologies


Hexaware Technologies has developed a highly skilled Power BI competency pool over the years. We have 100+ Power BI consultants. This group of consultants follow a collaborative approach where a knowledge pool has been created by them to remain updated with all the new and cool features of Power BI.  Our team have been leveraging Power BI to build interactive dashboards for clients enabling them to have a 360° view of their customers, services and products in sectors such as education, passenger airways, manufacturing, CPG, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, professional services, etc. Hexaware is on a mission to transform the experience of our customer’s customer by enabling them deliver personalized services. Using Power BI’s powerful visualization charts and representations, we have tried to give the business users a complete picture of their business performance by tracking their KPI’s, identify the issues and problems faced, areas that need improvement, etc. Leveraging our expert team of Power BI consultants and industry experts we have delivered powerful solutions such as Customer feedback analysis for one of the leading passenger airlines in India measuring the performance of their service delivery by capturing the data from all the touchpoints they had with the customer right from booking a flight, onboarding it and the in-flight experience. Using Power BI, we tracked the customer ratings for each of their services and identify the areas of improvement. The right KPI’s were identified for different roles to track how they have fared on the identified parameters. The solution enabled them to improve their NPS significantly. For the Internal Systems group of a leading professional services company, we have developed dashboards and reports for the top-level management and CEO. Based upon the role, a single dashboard was developed that tracked their KPI’s and the performance of their unit. This enabled all the members of their management council to keep an eye on their business. Since Power BI possess the capability to develop optimized dashboards for various devices such as desktops, tablets and mobiles, it enabled the business users to track their performance any time. This enabled the organization to have a real-time reporting capability saving time and efforts of the senior management. Hexaware was also awarded the CIO 100 award for the year 2018 for implementing this solution. Other success stories include customer retention analysis for a leading health and fitness service providers in UK. All the members were clustered into 4 buckets based upon their age and average monthly income and the clustered members are segmented into 4 quadrants based on the retention strategy devised for each segment. Clustering for the customer segmentation was done through R engine using k-means clustering. The segments are Young and rich, Young with average income, Middle aged with average income, Middle aged and rich. The objective of the dashboard is to track the high risk and high value members at each club so that the club manager can actively intervene when the member checks into the club and when their renewal is near. Members with a high-risk score were given personal attention and contacted to understand the issues and problems faced by them, resolve those issues and push them to renew their membership. The cases are entered, tracked and closed in the CS module of club management system. Retention trends were tracked monthly. The metrics tracked included no. of new members added, cancelled members and saved members to calculate the total no. of renewals. This enabled them to retain a significant number of members every month. The other works where we have received praise and appreciation from our customers include developing customer and product 360° dashboards for a leading e-commerce company, campaign analysis dashboard for a pharma company, Alumni network dashboard for universities, product level dashboard for a leading CPG firm, etc. Hexaware is highly focused in developing capabilities around self-service Business Intelligence tools to deliver the best BI solutions to its clients. Power BI is our preferred platform in delivering these solutions. Mumbai HQ: Tel: +91-022-67919595  Fax: +91-022-67919500              

Valuze GmbH


Die VALUZE GmbH ist IT-Serviceanbieter von zukunftsfähigen Lösungen für moderne Arbeitswelten und legt dabei höchsten Wert auf vertrauensvolle Kundenbeziehungen. Aufbauend auf Microsoft Cloud Technologien bietet unser Portfolio umfassende Lösungen in den Bereichen Professional Consulting, Managed Services und Training. Aber auch darüber hinaus liegt es uns am Herzen spürbaren Mehrwert bei unseren Kunden zu schaffen.TRUST.Vertrauen ist der Grundstein einer jeden erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit und steht für VALUZE an erster Stelle. Wir verstehen uns als zentraler Ansprechpartner für den Weg in die digitale Zukunft. Langfristige Kundenbeziehungen sind dabei ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor. CHANGE.            Veränderung stellt Unternehmen oft vor große Herausforderungen. VALUZE steht unseren Kunden im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels als starker Partner zur Seite. Wir begleiten sie von der strategischen Beratung, über die Implementierung, bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und darüber hinaus.DO.                         VALUZE entwickelt Business-Lösungen auf Basis von Microsoft Technologie. Wir gestalten Arbeitswelten so, dass unsere Auftraggeber in weniger Zeit mehr erreichen. Ziel ist es, diese Vorteile schnellstmöglich spürbar für unseren Kunden umzusetzen.

BIX Tecnologia


A BIX Tecnologia é uma consultoria de dados especializada em Business Intelligence e Advanced Analytics com foco em negócios e conquista de resultados. Utilizamos ferramentas líderes de mercado para ajudar empresas de diferentes perfis a alcançar resultados cada vez melhores em todos os setores. Contamos com mais de 20 consultores com excelente experiência de mercado, atendendo clientes do país inteiro. Fundada em Florianópolis no ano de 2014, já realizamos mais de 300 projetos, 50.000 horas de consultoria e treinamos mais de 7000 alunos.Expertise com Power BI:Desenvolvimento de soluções em Power BIConsultores certificadosTreinamentos Nossas soluções englobam:Soluções de Business Intelligence & Advanced AnalyticsInfraestrutura Cloud ou On-premisesConstrução de Data Warehouses e Data LakesIntegração de DadosDesenvolvimento de Embeddings para websitesData ManagementMobile BIBig Data AnalyticsExperiência em diversos setores:E-commerceVarejoIndústriaSupply ChainFinanças

AKA Enterprise Solutions


At AKA Enterprise Solutions, we understand that the key to success for any business is the ability to leverage technology quickly and cost-effectively to enable continuous innovation—which is where the Power Platform comes into play. In the business of empowering innovation for 30+ years, AKA Enterprise Solutions has the experience and expertise in industries, technology, and Microsoft offerings—including the Power Platform—to deliver solutions enable transformation, without disrupting other critical business processes or applications.   A key component of transformation is commanding your data, also enabled by the Power Platform. AKA has helped thousands of organizations extract more value from their data through high-impact KPIs, scorecards, and dashboards; descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive/prescriptive analytics; corporate performance management; and self-service BI.   Our success stories range across industries and encompass a wide variety of solutions, including: A client engagement hub with next best action within Dynamics 365 CRM; embedded Power BI reports for 360-degree view of clients; a mobile document uploader for SharePoint and Dynamics 365 CRM; a mobile trade approval app integrated with Salesforce; a legal document management system within Dynamics 365 CRM and Teams; a Salesforce “wraparound” enabling automated client reporting; and more.

Breakpoint Technology


Breakpoint Technology focuses on helping our customers solve business process problems - primarily related to managing data.  In many cases these problems have come from growth within the company that has rendered a previously working system to become unable to keep up or brought to light the fact that manual and cumbersome processes are overwhelming the team.  Our approach is always to start with understanding the business process  without rushing to push a prepared answer.  We like to focus on the long term rather than the quick fix - which is why we selected the name "Breakpoint" - taking the time to pause and truly evaluate for the best solution.     As an experienced Microsoft Gold Partner, we leverage the latest technologies, such as Power BI, to design data driven solutions that help our customers drive success.  Our  solutions allow customers to experience their data - any way, anywhere - using the modern BI platform powered by Microsoft Business Intelligence.

Columbus US


Industry ExpertsColumbus is an international consultancy focusing exclusively on Microsoft Dynamics. We are experts in the retail, food and manufacturing industries, understanding these industries’ processes, needs and wants in-depth. Our success is solely based on our ability to convert our knowledge into value for our customers. We have proved this through more than 25 years of experience with more than 8,000 successful ERP business cases.In Columbus we have worked with Business Intelligence since 2001 and today we are more than 60 dedicated BI consultants who help our customers become data driven.  Our primary focus, despite increasing data volumes, is to expand our customers’ business insight. This is ensured by a combination of standardized BI solutions and detailed knowledge of our customers’ primary data sources.Global Delivery With more than 1.000 dedicated staff working out 41 offices in 21 countries, we offer the economic advantages and experience of a global supplier combined with the local attention of our highly qualified industry consultants - our consultants are local and speak the language of our customers.   Best Practice SoftwareWith deep industry engagement, we build targeted solution sets on top of the reliable Microsoft platform that deliver value and ROI faster.   Our solutions often meet 80% of the industry requirements right off, and with individual adaption, you will experience the full impact on your business performance at a lower total cost of ownership. Our SureSTep+ process and unique solution sets ensure a faster and less expensive implementation of truly flexible and future-safe ERP, CRM, BI and related business applications that deliver competitive advantage, value, and ROI faster to maximise our customer's efficiency and overall businesss performance. Do you want to know more about how your business quickly becomes data driven?  Contact us today.

Jibes Insight B.V.


Insight is the Jibes label where we focus on Business Intelligence solutions. Business Intelligence (BI) has become a general term for information services at strategic, tactical and operational level. The importance of BI and data warehousing has become significantly and is essential to improve our clients competitive advantage.

Valore Partners, L.L.C.


Valore Partners is a Microsoft-centric business and technology services and solution provider that helps companies, large and small, optimize organizational performance by mapping strategic goals and objectives into your company’s performance, solve mission-critical problems and drive measurable business value. At Valore Partners, our goal is to develop lasting business partnerships by crafting practical and innovative solutions that drive effective business transformation



Системный интегратор Вебзавод работает с 1997 года. Вебзавод разрабатывает и внедряет программные комплексы, объединенные коммуникации, документооборот, автоматизирует бизнес-процессы. Подбирает и продает серверные решения и системы хранения данных, программное обеспечения ведущих производителей. http://webzavod.ru/products/ В своей работе компания ориентируется на решение бизнес-задач производственных, коммерческих и финансовых департаментов - проектное управление, автоматизация процесса продаж, разработка инструментов финансового планирования. Вебзавод реализовал более 800 проектов. Клиенты - производственные, нефтеперерабатывающие, телекоммуникационные предприятия, банки: Microsoft Corporation, Лаборатория Касперского, Мегафон, МТС, Ростелеком, Сбербанк, ВТБ, Роснефть, Газпром, Тяжмаш, ЦСКБ «Прогресс», федеральные и региональные государственные учреждения. http://webzavod.ru/projects/ Вебзавод нацелен на использование в своих проектах облачных технологий. В 2012 году системный интегратор стал лучшим облачным российским партнером Microsoft, получив статус Private and Hosted Cloud Russian Partner. Вебзавод - победитель рейтинга «25 лучших региональных ИТ-компаний» по версии издания CRN/RE в 2013, 2014, 2015 г. В 2014 г. Вебзавод стал Microsoft Collaboration and Content Partner of the Year. Награда Collaboration & Content Partner of the Year Award - признание исключительных заслуг партнера в сфере решений для совместной работы и управления информацией на мировом уровне. 2015 г. - победа Вебзавода в конкурсе партнерских решений Microsoft в российском этапе в номинации "Cloud Productivity" с решением "Стройка под контролем".

Bellwether Technology


-Identify key performance metrics, with an emphasis on identifying acceptable ranges thereof for exception reporting -Design and construct drillable, sliceable visualizations -Design organization permissions, to deploy visualizations efficiently and securely -Design exception reporting, with emphasis on delivering alerts to users when exceptions occur-Build data integration strategy for organizations that need to marry data from multiple sources into one BI platform

Hitachi Consulting


Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman",serif;} Hitachi Consulting is the global management consulting and IT services business of Hitachi Ltd., a global technology leader and a catalyst of sustainable societal change. In that same spirit—and building on its technology heritage—Hitachi Consulting is a catalyst of positive business change, propelling companies ahead by enabling superior opera­tional performance. Working within their existing processes and focusing on targeted functional challenges, we help our clients respond to dynamic global change with insight and agility. Our unique approach delivers measurable, sustainable business results and a better consulting experience.



Trustmarque is a leading technology provider for both public and private sector organisations. We have been at the heart of the rapidly evolving IT market for over 27 years serving more than 2000 customers including UK government and healthcare organisations, as well as high profile clients in the private sector.We take the time to really understand our customers' IT needs, making the process of technology investment straightforward, practical and effective. We deliver a range of end-to-end solutions that are flexible, cost-efficient and optimised for new ways of working. We empower you to take control of your services and let technology enable your business.



Créé en 2001, OLEAP est une société de conseil, intégrateur des solutions décisionnelles Microsoft BI. Nous sommes certifiés Gold Microsoft BI (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) et Power BI. Nous accompagnons les PME /ETI du grand Ouest de la France à toutes les phases du projet : audit, conseil, intégration et développement, transfert de compétence et maintenance des solutions Microsoft BI. Sur Power BI nous aidons nos clients pour l'importation des données, la création du modèle de données et la création de mesures calculées. Nous accompagnons également les utilisateurs et l'informatique dans la création de rapports grâce à des formations sur-mesure.

IT Impact Inc


At IT Impact Inc. we help companies “Discover the POWER of their data!” through Power BI, custom reports and database solutions. In addition to our Power BI certification we are also Silver Data Microsoft Partners. We’ve been creating custom software solutions for our clients for over 20 years, allowing them to grow and expand with tailored solutions for their business.Our focus is understanding your business and creating the tools you need to understand were you’ve been, how are you performing now and help you predict where your going. Contact us at DiscoverThePowerOfYourData.com for a demo of our work today!



We are a Data Analytics provider focused on providing innovative solutions to enhance our clients’ businesses and success with data-driven decisions.DAVOY.TECH provides the following services for Power BI:1) Power BI Dashboard Design and ImplementationDashboard design and implementations for Power BI, from small scale (1-page report / dashboard) to large scale (multi-user dashboards and self-service BI)Solutions based on real business use objectivesPast project: Dashboard for marketing research syndicated data (Brand sentiment and impact)2) Business Intelligence Solution Design and ImplementationEnd-to-end services on Business Intelligence solution design and implementation from data collection, data storage, data management through data consumptionPast project: Transforming data collection from customer's paper forms to web-based forms3) Data Literacy Training Our Instructor is experienced in BI / dashboard building with more than 5 years of experience on various platforms including Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, R ShinyPast project: Analytics training for Bank Branch Managers for a major bank in Thailand.



Si bien en G&S contamos con la línea de Inteligencia de Negocios desde el año 2010, dedicaba a proyectos tradicionales de Datamarts y Data Warehouse. En el 2013 empezamos a alinear su estrategia a las mega tendencias del mercado: Movilidad, Social, Nube, BI/Big Data y IoT.   El primer paso en el 2013 fue consolidar nuestra experiencia y crear un modelo de madurez en la adopción de inteligencia de negocios que iba desde la productividad personal, con Excel y PowerPivot, al uso grupal y masificación departamental de BI con PowerView, SharePoint Server y Reporting Services, llegando a la excelencia empresarial con Dashboards y Scorecards y Minería de Datos.   En 2014 agregamos a nuestro modelo de madurez BIG Data con HDInsight y Hadoop Ecosystem y en 2015 generamos una nueva versión del modelo de madurez de BI incluyendo las nuevas versiones y productos de la plataforma Microsoft: -        Excel: PowerView, PowerMap, PowerQuery Add-ins -        PowerBI -        Azure Machine Learning   En 2016 extendimos nuestro modelo con IoT y empezamos a realizar pilotos con Azure IoT, y en 2017 incluimos los servicios cognitivos, principalmente los de Lenguaje, Conocimiento y Visión, y alineamos nuestro modelo a Cortana Intelligence Suite.



A MLSoft conta com uma equipe de consultoria em Business Intelligence com mais de 10 anos de experiência no mercado. Atuando em diversos setores, a MLSoft sempre buscou entender ao máximo sobre os mais diversos negócios, entregando o melhor da inteligência que a tecnologia produz, adequada à necessidade de cada empresa.Nosso foco é buscar entender o negócio e as necessidades de nossos clientes para entregar a informação que ele precisa, no formato e velocidade necessários para a tomada de decisão. Em resumo, buscamos entregar diferencial competitivo através dos dados que o cliente possui, de forma eficiente. 



Our Competitive Advantage:  We have proven BI solutions in areas such as: HR, Sales, Real Estate, Distribution and Financial Services. We are at the forefront in new technologies for a prompt incorporation into our portfolio of services. Our company is a great support with 26 years in the market and with a great reputation for excellence and quality in customer service. Our team of consultants has 6+ years of proven experience in Analytics solutions.

HCL Technologies


"HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational IT services company, headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is a subsidiary of HCL Enterprise. Originally a research and development division of HCL, it emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL ventured into the software services business. HCL Technologies (an acronym for Hindustan Computers Limited) offers services including IT consulting, enterprise transformation, remote infrastructure management, engineering and R&D, and business process outsourcing (BPO). The company has offices in 34 countries including the United States, European countries like France and Germany, and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom. It operates across a number of sectors including aerospace and defence, automotive, consumer electronics, energy and utilities, financial services, government, industrial manufacturing, life sciences and healthcare, media and entertainment, mining and natural resources, public services, retail and consumer, semiconductor, server and storage, telecom, and travel, transportation, logistics, and hospitality. HCL Technologies is on the Forbes Global 2000 list. It is among the top 20 largest publicly traded companies in India with a market capitalization of $22.1 billion as of May 2015 As of August 2015, the company, along with its subsidiaries, had a consolidated revenue of $6.0 billion."

Nuevora-A Sutherland Global Services Company


Nuevora – A Sutherland Global Services Co. is a unique Big Data analytics solutions provider that helps leading organizations achieve positive, high-impact business outcomes through the delivery of continuous and context-sensitive predictive insights. Powered by a cloud based big data analytics platform, Nuevora is delivering closed-loop predictive and prescriptive big data analytics applications to marketing organizations at scale. Nuevora’s solutions are built as dynamic predictive solutions targeted to optimize specific business problems across the entire customer life cycle. Leveraging a combination of data science, predictive algorithms, machine learning and big data technologies, Nuevora’s strong team of data scientists and consultants help organizations implement smarter decisions across the entire customer life cycle. The company works with some of the leading corporations in retail, financial services, insurance, high-technology, travel services, and other industries.